23-getting intimate

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Dad:"alright I'm sorry,but what's wrong?"
Quackity:"after we pulled away I asked him what he thought,and he said I was 'ok'.."
Dad:"yikes...maybe he's just bad with expressing himself..talk to him"
Quackity:"I don't want to anymore.."
Dad:"cmon,you want to"
Quackity sighed and got the monster.
Quackity:"thanks dad,I guess"

Dad:"mhm...take this-"
He said as he was about to take something out of his pocket.
Quackity:"I have my own,thanks"
His did nodded and Quackity walked back upstairs.
He sat back down next to Karl and gave him the drink.
They sat there in silence for a second.

Quackity:"I'm sorry I raised my voice at you...What you Said confused me and- I'm sorry.."
Karl looked at him and smiled.
Karl:"it's okay,my wording was kinda shitty..."
Quackity:"yea..it was"
Karl:"Quackity...I think your really cool,and pretty and funny and-....I'm glad you kissed me,because I wanted to kiss you too"
Quackity looked at him and smiled.
They waited a few seconds before kissing each other again.

Quackity pinned Karl down to the mattress as they continued to make out.
Karl lightly pushed him away and got out his phone.
Quackity:"what's up?"
Karl started tapping on his phone
Karl:"I'm checking off 'first kiss' and 'make out' at the same time!"
Quackity:"do you have to do that right now?.."
Karl put his phone back on the nightstand.
Karl:"sorry,my bad Quackity"
Quackity scoffed before kissed him again.
Quackity:"your pretty vocal~"
Karl:"is that good or bad?"

Karl smiled as Quackity put his hand under his shirt and brushed over his "sensitive spot".
Quackity:"s-sorry..I'm used to doing this with..not guys.."
Karl:"it's okay,it's my first time too"
Quackity:"well it's not my first time,I'm not a virgin-"
Karl:"you know what I mean,just shut up"

He started kissing his neck.
Karl awkwardly rubbed his legs together,or atleast he was trying.
Karl lightly pushed him away again.
Quackity looked down and saw Karl's problem.
Quackity:"o-oh..I thought..?"
Karl:"yea um...I dunno.."
Well this is awkward.
Quackity:"do you want me to help?..."
Karl blushed.

Quackity:"you don't sound so sure-?"
Karl:"I am,please..help me.."
Quackity:"o-okay..just tell me when to stop.."
Karl nodded as Quackity started palming him.
He went back to leaving marks on Karl's neck,trying his best to make them unnoticeable to his parents.
Quackity slowly unzipped Karl's pants and reached his hands down his boxers.
Quackity:"please don't call me that.."
Quackity laughed.
Karl:"thank god,Sapnap told me your into that..."

Quackity:"don't worry,it doesn't...and why would you listen to Sapnap?!"
Karl chuckled,wich stopped when he moaned from Quackity taking out his dick.
He wrapped his hand around it and started slowly stroking him.
Karl:"t-that's new~.."

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