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Quackity:"hm,we have Fanta,sprite,coke,water,
uhh,monster incase-"
Karl cut him off excitedly.
Quackity looked at him.
Quackity:"yea..the white flavor yk?-"
He grabbed the monster out of Quackitys hands and cracked it open.

Quackity:"Jeez,greedy much?"
Quackity scoffed.
Karl stopped chugging the energy drink and wiped his mouth.
Karl:"sorry..my mom doesn't let me have energy drinks anymore"
Quackity:"hm,can't say I blame her"
Karl:"shut up"
He continued to drink the fizzy drink before putting it on the counter and smiling.
Quackity:"that's the fastest I've ever seen anyone drink literally anything.."

Karl:"impressed yet?"
Quackity:"sure Karl"
They smiled at each other for a few seconds.
Quackity:"wanna take some of these to your house?"
Karl:"you would do that?"
Quackity:"sure,only my dad drinks this shit,
I don't care for it"
Quackity:"sorry,only my dad drinks this 'awesome drink',Karl"
Karl nodded and took some of the monster.
Quackity took the rest and they headed for Karl's house.
Karl:"I got eyes on the stuff,over"
He said as he made Walkie-Talkie sounds.

Quackity:"Karl I'm right behind you,why are you pretending this is a drug bust-"
Karl:"mysterious loser,do you copy?"
Quackitys face went "😐" for a sec.
Quackity:"why am I mysterious loser?"
Karl:"you have to say over when your done talking,otherwise I won't know when to respond"
He said as he stopped at his door.
Quackity:"sorry Karl,my childish spy knowledge is a bit out of date since I'm not 5 years old"
Karl rolled his eyes at him and opened the door.

He put the monster on the counter.
Quackity did the same,but Karl didn't say anything.
Quackity:"hey cmon,I was only joking..."
Karl sighed.
Quackity:"Karl are you there?! Do you copy? Over!"
He said speaking into his pretend Walkie-Talkie,Karl laughed.
Karl:"I'm not childish yk..my parents are just kinda strict.."
Quackity:"my bad Karl"
Karl sighed,he actually felt like Quackity regretted saying that,and he did.
Karl:"here,help me take these up to my room"
Quackity smirked and took the cans up to Karl's room.

They got in and Karl started loading the drinks into his mini fridge.
Quackity:"whoa...nice room"
He said as he looked around.
It was nicer than how he saw it though the window.
Quackity crouched down to help Karl and noticed some "forbidden" drinks in the back.
Quackity:"beer?! You don't seriously drink BEER?"

Karl:"I don't drink,I have them for when my friends come over,they seem to enjoy it a lot"
Karl:"hey,don't pretend to be all innocent,I've seen you wanted at party's before"
Quackity:"you? At a party? Why haven't I seen you there before?"
Karl:"I've only gone to two,Sapnap dragged me there"
Quackity:"sapnap...that figures"
They got done filling up the fridge and they turned to each other.

Quackity:"your a virgin,aren't you?"
Karl:"w-what?- what makes you think that?!"
Quackity:"well you give off this...'I'm a virgin and only found out what sex is through porn sites my more mature friends sent me' "
Karl:"uh well...I guess you kinda have a point"
Quackity:"so what's the deal with your parents anyways?"

Karl:"what do you mean 'deal'?...their just.."
Quackity tilted his head.
Karl:"their not that bad...their just really strict,
But it's not that crazy,I have a curfew at 7,I can't drink,smoke,I'm not allowed to watch porn.."
Quackity laughed.
Karl looked at him,great you did something dumb,again.

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