7-..im not gay?

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Karl:"no it's just- I don't feel it? I don't feel that tingly feeling when you watch porn,
I don't feel anything..."
There was a short moment of silence.
Karl:"I don't get what's wrong...I use to feel atleast something,now it's just...weird...is something wrong with me?-"
Quackity:"what? No! Karl there's nothing wrong with you,your perfectly fine,it's normal.."
looked to the side.

Quackity:"cmon,I'll tell you about it later,
Wanna skip school?"
Karl:"no,my parents would kill me.."
Quackity:"alright..we can go to my house after school then.."
Karl nodded and walked out.

Time skip (after school @ Quackity house)

Quackity dropped his bag on the floor and got on his bed.
Karl followed.
Karl:"so?...ready to tell me the answer to all my questions?"
Quackity:"don't say that,i can't make any promises,but I can tell you what I think"
Karl nodded.
Quackity:"let me ask you a few questions,
What do you feel when you watch porn?"
Karl:"um...are you sure you wanna hear about this?-"
Quackity:"trust me Karl"
Karl sighed.

Karl:"w-well..when I watch it,I feel like something's about to happen,but then it doesn't,it's like there's a spark that won't light on fire...it's irritating.."
Quackity:"so you do feel something,it's just very small?"
Karl:"well I feel something when I watch ga-"
Karl Cut himself off.
Quackity:"keep going?"
Karl:"that's it..."
Quackity:"hm...I think your asexual Karl!"
Karl:"what? I'm not gay though...?"

Quackity laughed.
Quackity:"it doesn't make you gay idiot,it just means you might not feel sexual attraction,or atleast not like any other person"
Karl:"hm...but I look at people sometimes and thinks something..yk..'unholy'..but I couldn't see myself doing that"
Quackity:"well it's a spectrum,look into it more in your free time,it's totally okay"
Karl:"wait but wasn't I supposed to lose my virginity? What do I do now.."
Quackity:"you'll figure it out,promise"

He smiled at Karl.
Karl smiled back,it felt nice to have someone to talk to about this.
He definitely couldn't tell his parents,
they'd freak out,probably put soap in his water or something.
Karl:"I'm bored of talking about this,to complicated.."
He said as he laid down on his back.
Quackity:"what do you wanna do?"

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