27-movie night with the others

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He got comfortable under the blanket and took Karl's hand.
Karl pulled away.
Quackity:"what's wrong?.."
Karl didn't answer,he just looked at the screen like everyone else.
Karl:"just watch the movie like everyone else,Quackity"

Quackity put his attention towards the movie again.
But Quackity wasn't interested anymore,
He's already watched the movie a dozen times.
He sighed and got up to get some popcorn from the kitchen.
He walked downstairs,expecting his dad to be some where ready to give him some advice he'll pretend not to care for.
But the kitchen was empty,he living room too,and when he checked the study,he wasn't there either.

Quackity groaned and went back to the kitchen cabinets.
He got out a bag of sweet and a bag of salty popcorn before going back upstairs.
As he entered his room he threw the bags on the bed.
The boys viciously fought over the bags while Quackity just sat back down.
He heard Karl laugh,he had to laugh too.
Things were a little awkward between them but still,he still enjoyed Karl's company,as well as everyone else.

They watched the full movie,well Quackity did.
George fell asleep in the first 40 minutes after continually telling Sapnap to stop saying "that's the actor from __!".
Dream chewed loudly,and karl was just jumpy.
Dream and the others had to go back home because sapnaps mom texted him saying she found his hidden weed,and obviously everyone had to see that.
Quackity couldn't go because his dad told him to had to "stay there with Karl..winky face".
Quackity:"bye guys!"
Sapnap:"pray for me.."

Dream:"I'll record everything for you!"
Karl:"good night!"
The door closed,pure silence.
Karl:"I-I should probably get home too.."
He said before they heard a loud thunder noise.

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