13-his bitch?

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Karl:"it was funnn,I'm having fun just like you told me quackersss"
He said drunkenly.
Quackity:"Karl this isn't what I meant,you can't even handle beer stretched with coke...cmon,let's go home.."
Karl:"okay babe.."

Quackity took him out of the house and they started walking home.about half way there karl just wouldn't stop falling over so Quackity carried him on his back.
They eventually got home and Quackity took him up to his room.
Quackity:"stay here"
He said as he let Karl go on the bed.
Karl:"okay daddy~"
He mocked as he crossed his legs.
He rolled his eyes and went downstairs.
He grabbed a bowl and a cup of water for Karl and went back to his room.

Quackity:"here,if you need to puke,puke in this,and have some water"
He said as he put the two things on his nightstand.
Karl pulled him on the bed by his waist.
Karl:"choke me"
Quackity:"what the fuck-"
Karl:"that's what they say in porn..we should make a...porn"
Quackity couldn't help but laugh at Karl's horrible attempt at flirting.
Quackity:"wow you are wasted.."

Karl:"no I'm not...I just want you to fuck me..atleast you'd have gotten laid twice tonight"
Quackity:"karl I...I didn't sleep with Jen.."
Karl:"what? Why,she's so hot?"
Quackity:"it um...just didn't really seem like something I wanted anymore"
Karl:"oh..okay..but why? You wanted to get laid so bad"
Quackity:"yea but yk,didn't feel right"
Karl scoffed.
Karl:"wowww now who has no bitches??"
Quackity:"we both know your my bitch Karl"
Karl:"f-fuck that's hot,say it again please.."
Quackity laughed and got of off him.

Quackity:"go to sleep Karl"
Karl:"but I wanna sleep with you...your the only person I'd actually-"
Quackity:"stop talking,Karl.."
Karl looked away.
Quackity:"please..just go to sleep,we'll talk more tomorrow"
Karl:"okay Quackity.."
Karl laid down and faced away from Quackity.

Quackity felt bad,I mean,I don't want him to lie.
He got a bit closer and wrapped his arms around his waist.
Karl's face got red.
Quackity:"this okay?"
Karl nodded.
Quackity smiled and they both soon fell asleep.

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