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Time skip (morning)

Quackity yawned and he woke up.
He got up a couple minutes later too shower and brush his teeth.
He looked into the mirror tiredly as he carelessly shoved the brush around in his mouth.
Quackity:"looking good,as always Quackity"
He said to himself sarcastically.
He spat out the toothpaste and rinsed his mouth before going back to his bed.

Quackity:"I wonder how Karl thinks I look.."
"OOh who's Karl?"
Quackity flinched and turned around.
Quackity:"seriously dad?.."
His dad grinned and set a plate on his desk.
Dad:"sorry,but really,who do you worry about how Karl thinks you look?~"
He poked him him as he walked over to him.
Quackity:"it's nothing,just thinking.."
Dad:"I've always been telling you,the neighbors kid looks nice,go talk to him! And you finally did"

Quackity:"yea,he's pretty dad..."
Dad:"mhm,'cool' "
Quackity rolled his eyes.
Quackity:"by the way,can i have some extra lunch money? Sapnap probably forgot his,and there's a party tomorrow so..."
Dad:"sure,don't let me get in your way off,
Hooking up and getting blasted and whatever-
Quackity:"ewww,dad gross!"
Dad:"cmon,I don't wanna be a cockblock-"
Quackity covered his ears and whined.

Dad:"fine fine,just promise me you won't drive,and you'll use protection"
Quackity put his hands away and nodded.
Quackity:"ofcourse dad,I always do"
Dad:"that's my boy,here you go"
His dad handed him 30 dollars.
Quackity:"whoa 30?! Thanks dad!"
Dad:"sure thing,and don't be late for school"
Quackity smiled and nodded before his dad left.
Quackity got his breakfast plate and started eating his scrambled eggs.
He laid down and got his phone to text Karl.

                      Coolest guy ever❤️

Good morning sunshine😍😍😍😍
U up?

Hey good morning Q

Wanna go to school together?

Sure,I was going to ask you

Meet you at my house in 5


Quackity put his phone in his pocket and finished eating his breakfast.
About 5 minutes later he got his bag and went downstairs,but he heard talking.
He saw Karl and his dad talking in the kitchen.
Karl:"finally your here!"
Quackity:"what do you mean we said 5 minutes?"
Karl:"yeah and I waited for 10"
Quackity:"oh,my bad Karl.."

Dad:"ugh Karl,he's not hip like us"
Karl:"don't look at him,we'll catch lame.."
They both mocked sarcastically.
Quackity sighed.
Quackity:"I see you've met my dad.."
Karl:"yup,he's my new best friend actually"
Dad:"we're besties Quackity"
Quackity:"ugh,Karl let's just go.."
He rolled his eyes and took Karl outside.

Karl said goodbye to mr.HQ and started walking to school with Quackity.
Karl:"your dad's awesome!"
He shrugged.
Karl:"I wish I had a dad like that..."
Quackity:"don't worry,you can have mine"
Quackity scoffed.

Karl smiled.
Karl:"you look nice today"
Quackity got flustered and stammered.
Quackity:"I uh- thanks...you too"
Karl nodded and they continued walking to school.
They eventually got there and went to all of their classes.

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