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Karl:"cmon again"
Quackity:"fine,but only because I know I'm gonna win"
Karl put his hand on his cheeks and pulled him closer.
Quackity looked into his eyes,Karl was still struggling to hold in his snickers.
he was so close,that was the point but still.
Quackity came a bit closer.
Karl:"your that confident?"

Quackity slowly put his right hand on Karl's cheek and kissed him.
Karl almost instantly kissed back.
It lasted for a few seconds before they pulled away.
Karl:"I know that the game is when you pull away your gay but...I don't think this is straight either.."
Karl smiled.
Karl:"it's okay...you um.."
Quackity tilted his head.

Karl:"you were my first kiss..."
Quackity:"that's not very surprising-"
Karl:"shut up asshole"
They laughed and Kar punched his shoulder.
Quackity:"was that..okay?"
Karl:"I just said it was,I'm glad you kissed me.."
What do I say now? I like him,that's why I kissed him back what else do I have to do to show that.

Karl:"um...I think your okay..?"
What the fuck.
He thinks I'm "okay"? That's barely even a compliment but,cool?
He sarcastically laughed and went back to the movie.
Karl:"w-wait I didn't mean-"
Quackity:"Karl it's fine-"
Karl:"but I-!"
Quackity:"I said it's fine."
He slightly raised his voice.

Karl sighed and backed off.
Quackity wished he hadn't done that.
He stood up.
Karl:"where are you going?"
Quackity:"I'm gonna get some monster"
He left the room.Karl frowned and laid back,both of them thought they fucked it up.

Quackity walked downstairs to the kitchen as he ran his hands through his hair.
He went to the fridge and opened it.
"You alright kiddo?"
Quackity:"JESUS CHRIST- dad.."
He closed it,his dad mysteriously spawned I guess?
Dad:"you look kinda horrible"
He said annoyed as he opened the fridge again.

Dad:"what's wrong? You and karl kissed or something?"
Quackity stayed silent.
Dad:"Quackity?...oh my GOD"
Quackity:"dad calm down"
Dad:"tell me the deets!"
Quackity groaned and rolled his eyes.
Quackity:"no one say's that.."
Dad:"what's up? Need protection?-"

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