3-"R-rated stuff"

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Quackity:"sorry I didn't mean to laugh.."
Karl:"it's fine,porn is a funny word"
Karl smiled.
Quackity:"hey what's your number? I could send you some r rated movies if you want"
Karl:"what makes you think that?.."
Quackity:"well I take it that you have strict parents,your gonna have to evolve into the rebellious son somehow right?"
Karl laughed.

Karl:"you can read minds,I know it"
Quackity shrugged.
Karl:"but...That'll be a bit hard,my mom looks though my phone every Friday,so I have to delete everything by then"
Quackity:"you should come over to my place! We can do all sorts of r-rated stuff!"
Karl looked at him.
"We can do all sorts of 'R-rated' stuff"....
Quackity:"that came out wrong didn't it?"
Karl nodded.

Quackity:"well I meant like,watch adult movies or get high!"
Karl:"drugs?! Are you crazy??"
Quackity shrugged once again.
Karl:"well...I think I'd have to work my way up to those.."
Quackity:"that's fine,here,put your number in"
He said as he gave his phone to Karl.
He started putting him in as a new contact.
Quackity:"come by my house tomorrow,
I'll look for a good movie to watch,maybe even drink some...energy drinks~"

Karl chuckled and gave him his phone.
Quackity stood up.
Quackity:"you seriously saved yourself as 'coolest guy ever' ?"
Karl:"ofcourse I did"
Quackity rolled his eyes.
Quackity:"I'll see you tomorrow Karl"
Karl:"y-your leaving?.."
Quackity:"it's 7 soon,I'm guessing your parents will be home soon too?"
Karl:"oh right....bye Quackity"
He said a bit upset.

Quackity waved and walked downstairs to the door and left.
He walked to his house doing a little victory dance,he finally befriended the neighbors kid.
He opened the door and walked to his room.
?:"ah ah ah,stay Quackity."
Quackity sighed and looked in the living room,his dad was there.
Quackity:"yea dad?"
Dad:"where were you,and where's all my monster?"

Quackity:"I was hanging out with Karl,the neighbor?"
Dad:"you finally befriend that kid?"
Quackity nodded.
Dad:"well I've always told you you'd be good together-"
Quackity:"dad cmon"
Dad:"you owe me like 10 monsters,kiddo"
He said before turning back to the TV.
Quackity:"alright dad"
He went up to his room and laid down on his bed.
He got out his phone and started texting Karl.

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