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you've made plenty of mistakes in life, no doubt about it. But do you regret any of those mistakes? no, not at all.

You were a troubled kid who had no hope for the future. Neighbors pitied you, watching from the sidelines as your life fell apart. They stood by and did nothing as ten year old you fell apart. Yet, people still found it okay to blame you for the way you turned out. they blamed everything on you.

Over the years you've learned to accept being called a bad omen. You learned no matter how hard you try to better yourself, people will always see you as the girl who threw her life away. A girl with no self respect.

No one was there to defend you or your actions, and that was the problem. You didn't have the right parental guidance to punish you or tell you from right and wrong.

You were basically a red flag to parents and their kids. It soon became very lonely when no one wanted to be friends with you anymore. Kids would turn the other way when you walked in their direction, asked to switch partners over and over again, and would even openly admit they don't like you.

Day after day you would crawl into your bed after school and wrap yourself with every cover. You would face your empty wall and lay there for hours, sometimes you would even miss dinner.

You just stared. All you did was stare at the wall that gave you no emotional support. Eventually your eyes would drop and take you to the place you love most. An empty void that went on for miles. A place no one but you could enter. A place where you could do anything, think anything, and create anything you want.

But as soon as you woke up, you realized you couldn't live there forever like you dreamed of. You had to face reality and accept the people you wanted to like you, didn't. You had to accept you didn't like yourself.


Despite it being a warm day, a cool breeze brushes against your face and arms as you walk down the sidewalk.

Earbuds are popped into your ears, the wire trailing to your back pocket where your phone was located. The sucker in your mouth only allowed you to hum the lyrics, fortunately you were still able to sing them in your head.

You decided to skip school today, again. You weren't learning anything new, you saw the same faces over and over again, the hours went by slow, and you believed you could find something better to do than all of that stuff.

"[name]~ I know that isn't your last one!"

One of your headphones are ripped from your ear, making your friend's voice less muffled. You turn your head and knit your eyebrows in confusion, irritated by the boy's action.

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