Chapter twelve

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"I open the window, to hear sounds of people."

Y/ns pov

El, Mike, lucas and Dustin all sat around the table in my kitchen with a map on Hawkins on the table along with some dnd things

"Alright so el can get will back for us? And he's not really dead?" Dustin asked unsure of what was going on and Mike nodded

"Yeah and she's let me hear will from the walkie talkie! So maybe if we can get her to the heath-kit at school we can get to talk to will!" Mike said as lucas and Dustin looked at eachother and then to el

"Are you sure she can do that Mike? I don't want you stressing her out so much, who knows maybe if she uses her powers too much she could even lose them and then what will we do" I said walking closer to the table and taking a seat beside el

"We just have to take a chance, she wants to do this anyway!" Mike semi quietly yelled then grabbed the backpack he brought and put the map and dnd things inside of it

"We need to get her a disguise, what if someone sees her and notices her..." lucas said while looking at els buzz cut

"Why can't she just wear a hoodie or something?" I asked, it seemed smart because she could literally just wear the hood up

"Well we actually need to make her look like a girl, what girl do you know wears hoodies?" Mike asked....clearly not knowing that anyone can wear hoodies

"Nancy might have some girl clothes" Dustin said entering the conversation and lucas sighed

"Of course she'll have girl clothes dustin" lucas said pushing Dustin slightly, this then escalated to a fight...except it was just tow kid spushing eachother

"Guys stop fighting we actually have something we need to do" Mike said getting off the chair he previously sat on

"Cmon el let's go find a disguise for you" I said as el grabbed my arm and we left the kitchen, leaving Dustin and lucas to push eachother to death


"Y/n doesn't your mom have any makeup?" Mike said looking through the drawers in my parents room

"I don't know, I don't usually ask my mom if she's wearing makeup yknow" I said and then saw Mike make a disgusted face when he accidently opened my dads underwear drawer

"Ew..." He said quietly closing it then backing away slightly probably trying to recover from the smell

"Mike you are such a fucking idiot yknow that" I said walking over to he drawers were Mike was and opening the top drawer and pulling out a makeup case

"Why would it be up there! Nobody can reach up there it's unfair" He said snatching the makeup case

"Fucking idiot..?" El mumbled and Mike turned around quickly with a shocked expression

"No no el don't say that type of stuff, instead just say mouthbreather" Mike said then grabbed els arm and pulled her out of the room

Dustin ran into the room holding a blonde wig in his hands and a big smile on his face

"Look what we found in your dad's study!" Dustin said holding up the wig and lucas walked into the room after him

"Why would he have that?" I asked while Dustin put the wig on himself and laughed

"I don't know but it's convenient as hell" Dustin said then left the room leaving lucas and I watch him walk away pretending he was a model


We all stood waiting for el to get dressed, Dustin and lucas randomly start pushing eachother again and Mike quietly waits

The door finally opens an el walks out, wearing one of Nancy's old dresses, a jacket and the wig
"How do I look?" She asks as all the attention turns to her

"Uh you looks pretty!" Mike quickly says and I nudge him slightly "pretty cool! Yeah pretty cool"

El walks over to the mirror that was on the wall and looks at herself while the boys all stand behind watching

"Alright incase you forgot we have limited time to do this so stop staring at her and hurry it up" I said then the boys all rushed downstairs and outside

"El can ride on my bike with me" Mike said as we all got outside and the boys all grabbed their bikes

"Yeah no way Mike that's not safe, yours is only built for one person" I said and Mike groans

"That's so stupid" He says getting on his bike and starting to pedal away

"It's a long wall so how's she going to get there?" Lucas asked still waiting for Dustin to get on his bike



"Yeah y/n can just put el on his shoulders" Dustin said finally getting on his bike

"Okay Dustin it's not the worst idea you've ever had" lucas says then starts peddling away and Dustin followed

"Uh okay just get on my shoulders kid" I say and el nods, I crouch down so she can lift herself onto my shoulders

"Okay either your light or I'm just getting stronger somehow" I say to myself and hear eleven laugh quietly


The boys all hopped of their bikes when we got infront of the school and eleven quickly got off my shoulders

"Are you okay after carrying her that long?" Lucas asked setting down his bike

"I'm fine, I'm really strong so I can deal with it!" I said ignoring the pain in my back

"Yeah sure" lucas said walking over to the other boys and el who were all standing infront of the school



Anyway sorry this took longer to come out, I was kinda struggling with this chapter so I finally got it out after forcing myself to sit down and write

Anyway yeah

995 words total

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