chapter 8

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Vega's pov

I woke up and my head hurts. I remembered that yesterday I went to the main house to see Venice and talk to Kinn. We ended up going to Yok's bar and we drank a lot. I talked to him about Pete and he listened to me. For the first time all my life we ​​both talked normally without fighting.You call that a miracle.

And yes, to be honest, I haven't forgotten what I did yesterday. I remember kissing Pete. I couldn't hold back. The way he was looking at me was like he was telling me to go ahead. But Pete seemed to like it too.

But I know it's not right. I shouldn't have done it without his approval. And to be honest, I don't know how he will see me now. Damn, I miss him so much, it's very boring without you. I don't know what else to do, please remember me.

Someone knocked on the door and brought me out of my thoughts. I went to open it and it was Pete."I don't care if you have work, you will come and eat with us". he said to me in a serious tone. I smiled at him because he reminded me of the old Pete who isn't afraid to scold me.The one I always do as he says.I can't say no to him."Okay, I'll come since you want me so much." I told him and he rolled his eyes. "Who told you that I want you, it's probably the opposite". he said and i'm shocked. "I'm glad you understood. Come on, the food will get cold".

"Vegas, you really came to eat with us." said my brother and I smiled at him. "thank you, Pete." He said and Pete laughed."you won the bet". Macao told him and he laughed."Did you make a bet on whether I will come to eat with you or not?" I asked and they both burst out laughing. It's been a long time since I've seen my brother laugh like this but mainly Pete.

That great smile can make someone's day. He is so beautiful when he smiles. Pete I promise you that I will never let anyone bother you." yes and Pete won although it was preety obvious that he would won because he makes you do whatever he wants" he said and we all laughed."come now let's eat because the food will get cold".

"Can i ask you something?" I asked Pete. "yes, ask me." he said and I understood that he was a little scared by the sight of him. "Can you help me with my work so that I can finish it faster?" I asked him and waited like crazy his answer "yes I want to help you", he told me and smiled at me.

We finished the food and I took Pete and we went to my room and we started working. I told him what to do and he helped me without complaining at all. The old Pete every time he helped me with work he was complaining the whole time.

"Vegas i'm tited".Pete told me and I laughed."i was waiting for you to tell me".he is so cute when he blush.God i want to kiss him.But i'm not going to do that.Not yet."let's take a break".I said and he shook his head. "Pete about last night".I went to continue but he cut me off. "let's pretend nothing happened".he said and make me sad.So you didn't like my kiss Pete.The Pete I know loves my kisses.What happen to that Pete.

REMEMBER ME [VEGASPETE]Where stories live. Discover now