chapter 14

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Vega's pov

Macao called me and told me that Pete passed out.I was waiting for Pete at the place where we would meet for our date but luck was not on my side. I immediately ran to the hospital to see if he is okay.

The only thing I could think of was him. I hope he's okay and he is not hurt. I'll go crazy if something happens to him.I arrived at the hospital and saw my brother and Chay.He told me that Pete is fine and that the doctor said to wait. I have been so stressed if something happens to Pete I will go crazy.

An hour passed and the doctor still hadn't come to talk to us. I hope everything goes well.Pete, please don't leave me. I can't live without you.My life has no meaning without you.Please come to me.I need you.

Suddenly the door opened and took me out of my thoughts. The doctor came out and approached us."Doctor, is Pete okay?" I asked him and waited for his answer. "Vegas, I have good news. Not only is the he is fine but he also has his memory back." he told me and I couldn't believe what I heard."go see him he is waiting for you" he told me smiling.

Finally, after a month, he is fine. And not only that, but he remembers me. I can't believe it. Without waiting, I entered the room and saw him. He turned and looked at me.He smiled at me and I smiled at him. I can't believe it.Thank God he is okay.

"Vegas come here" he said and I immediately went next to him. He made room for me and sat next to him." are you okay?" he asked me and I laughed. The classic Pete always cares about others besides himself."how can you asking me something like that while you're in the hospital."

"I'm just worried about you. Tell me are you okay?" he asked me and I hold his hand. "Now I'm fine. Now that you're next to me I'm fine." I told him and he cried."don't cry Pete I don't want to see you cry" I told him and I wiped his tears "sorry Vegas. You must have suffered a lot because of me."he told me and I got angry."Pete don't be stupid.It's not your fault for what happened", I told him and he hugged me.

"I missed you", he said to me and I felt the happiest person in the world. "I missed you more".i said and he tighten the hug."i know".he said and i smiled at him."How is Venice and Macao?"he aaked."The are fine.Venice is with Kinn and Macao is outside".i said and he nod."You don't want to see Macao?"i asked to tease him."Of course i want but i wanna see you to".he said and i kissed his forehead.

"ouch that hurt Pete" said Macao who just entered the room "sorry Macao you know I missed you but I also miss your brother" he told him and I felt special "it's okay I forgive you" he said and went and hugged him "I hope you didn't destroy the house," said Pete and we both burst out laughing."The house is fine p'pete".

The doctor said that tomorrow we can go home.I'm so happy that everything turn out well.One thing i promised myself the night that Pete lost his memory.And that was to never lost hope and leave him.And i didn't lost hope.I believe that he will come back to me and he came.

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