Chapter 2

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O'Hare International Airport, Chicago 

The flight from Virginia to Chicago only took 2 hours; Zoey walked through the massive airport heading through the large sliding doors of the airport and walking outside. The moment the blonde walked out she noticed her brother's classic mustang parked out front. With a smile, the blonde walks over climbing into the passenger seat of the car taking her brother by surprise. Kelly instantly pulled his sister into a hug from where he was sitting. "Welcome back," her brother said with a smile as he starts the car and they take off from the airport. 

"So want me to drop you off at your place?" her brother asks glancing over at her, "Please, it gives me a chance to change, shower and see Jack" the blonde replies earning an eye roll from her older brother at the mention of her on and off again boyfriend. "You're still with that loser?" Kelly asks as his grip on the steering wheel tightened. The comment caused the blonde to sigh, "You know if you gave him a chance he might surprise you" was all Zoey said looking out the window. "I don't have to give him a chance, I don't like him and he doesn't deserve you," her brother said flat out as his car pulled up outside Zoey's townhouse in Bucktown. 

It was now Zoey's turn to roll her eyes at her brother, "In your opinion nobody's good enough for me," the blonde says earning a smile and nod from her brother. "Pretty much," was all he said causing her to let out a little laugh and shake her head. "I'll meet you at Molly's in an hour or so," Zoey finally said before climbing out of the car, she sent Kelly a small wave as she walked up the pathway to her front door unlocking it and walking inside. 

Zoey's TownHouse, Bucktown Chicago 

The blonde walked into the front entryway kicking her shoes off before wandering down a hallway past the stairs and into the kitchen, living room area. "Hey Babe," Zoey said as she entered the room walking over to the safe in the wall and punching the code in before locking up her service weapon, however, kept her badge. You never know when you might need it, she thought to herself. Jack sent a huff in her direction too distracted by the game to notice she came home for the first time in almost 2 weeks now. 

"Well, I'm gonna change and go meet my brother at Molly's. Wanna join?" Zoey asks looking at her boyfriend from the hallway. "Why can't we just stay here and watch the game, It would give you a chance to do those dishes and maybe make me dinner" was his reply. "Look I've been working for the last 2 weeks straight Jack, I'm gonna go have a drink with my brother to celebrate Shay. You are more than welcome to join or you can stay here watching the game and drinking beer. It's your call" Zoey said to him before walking down the hallway and heading upstairs to her room so she could change out of her work outfit. 

Zoey walks over to her closet pulling out a skintight white dress that ended mid-thigh on her. The blonde did her makeup quickly and put on her red stiletto heels before looking herself over once more in the mirror and walking back downstairs. "I don't see why you're always with your brother when you come home, or why your drinking to the bitch you got killed in the first place," Jack said drunkenly striking a nerve within her. "I hang out with my brother because he chooses to actually get off his ass and wants to do stuff rather than sit around drunk all day. I'll be back later. I'm not dealing with this right now Jack" Zoey finally says with a sigh as she turned and walked out of the townhouse, Slamming the front door behind her as she walked down the street towards Molly's bar. 

Zoey didn't mind the walk, it gave her a chance to calm down after what Jack had said. In her mind, it was her fault that Shay was dead. She was supposed to come home and hang out with Shay that day but had to cancel due to the serial killer starting up a second spree in New Orleans after going on a spree before Hurricane Katrina hit. Zoey knew if she had come home that day Shay would have never been at work and therefore wouldn't have died. 

The blonde took a deep breath pulling herself from her thoughts as the small neighborhood bar came into view. Zoey sauntered across the street and into the bar that was packed tonight. The blonde forced a smile on her face as she walked in hiding the hurt she felt from Jack's words that somehow kept replaying in her mind. "THERE SHE IS! THERE'S OUR GIRL" Herman's voice called from behind the bar pulling everyone's attention as she walked over to the bar the room erupted with cheers.

"Zoey, welcome back" Gabby was the first to say pulling the blonde into a tight hug. Gabby was one of Kelly's co-workers but in all honesty, everyone from firehouse 51 was practically family to both the Severide siblings especially with their father Benny being a firefighter with the CFD his whole life. "Thanks, I'm glad to be back." Zoey replied to her, "So what are you drinking?" Gabby asks as the blonde leaned against the bar. "Can I have... 2 tequila shots?" Zoey asked thinking about the question for a moment. 

Gabby nods pouring the two shots and passing them to the blonde who instantly rails both of them down. "Whoa, someone's not messing around," Zoey turned around to find Gabby's older brother Antonio standing by her. "Hey Antonio, How are things going?" Zoey asks as she set the money on the counter for the shots. "Another 2 please," the blonde said looking at Gabby who reluctantly nods her head yes. "Not bad, same old, same old. How about you? rough couple weeks?" he asks taking note of the 2nd round of shots the blonde was getting. 

Zoey nods her head slowly, "Something like that," was her response with a half smile before she railed down both shots again. The blonde dropped more cash on the counter and stood a seat on the bar stool next to her. "Wanna talk about it?" Gabby asks from the other side of the bar as Zoey felt eyes on her like someone was staring at her. "I'm okay," the blonde replied to Gabby before she scanned the room locking eyes with a tall brunette who was staring at her from a table where Antonio was sitting with the mysterious brunette who was physically built and quite attractive. "Who's that with your brother?" Zoey asked curiously causing Gabby to look up and smirk looking back at the blonde. "That's Jay Halstead. He's a detective in Intelligence with my brother. Why?" Gabby asks. "Just curious is all," The blonde said softly glancing back over in the direction catching his eye again. "I could introduce you two," Gabby offered as Zoey shook her head no. "Maybe another time," Zoey said with a sigh before she stood up and walked over to where her brother was sitting talking to Matt. 

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