Chapter 10

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21st District Police Station, Chicago Illinois

Severide and Halstead made it back to the station after Antonio and Morgan, "Did you find anything?" Hotch asks as the two return. Detective Halstead shook his head, "When we spoke to the family they said that Stacia was very confident in her appearance, extremely proud, and had a very specific taste in clothes, her family straight up told us she would have never worn what we found her in," Severide said. "The Stuart family said the same thing," Morgan adds When Dave and I went to the disposal sites. She seems like she's posing her victims in a place that represents innocents and childhood," Hotch said. "I mean it makes sense, Most serial killers don't have good childhoods if any at all" Severide spoke adding to the topic. "She could be posing them here because she wants to give them the childhood she never got," Morgan says adding to the theory. 

"Whoa wait she?" it was Antonio that asks just as confused as the rest of his team. "How are you certain the suspect we're looking for is female," Sergeant Voight asks looking at Hotch. "Because the victimology, and how these women are cared for so well, along with no evidence of sexual motivation. All of it points towards a female unsub" Severide spoke before she wandered over to the evidence board. 

The blonde looked at the woman her age, how could someone kidnap these women? drug them and keep them paralyzed for 2 months? and then throw them away but spend so much extra time grooming them before and even after death. "So you really think a woman is doing this?" Halstead asked from behind the blonde who nods fighting a yawn from the lack of sleep she has gotten over the past week. "Yea, it fits the profile really well, especially since there is no sexual motive or drives in the killings. It honestly looks like she didn't mean to kill them," Zoey says looking over their flawless skin and makeup. 

It's like the blonde could see the answer right in front of her but her brain just couldn't put 1 and two together. Zoey thought that maybe if she stared at the evidence longer just maybe the answer would come to her. "For argument's sake the suspect is female, how did she manage to dump 2 bodies in the middle of the city with no witness'" an older detective by the name of Olinski asks sitting at his desk while eating an apple. "That's what we're still trying to figure out" Rossi said as the blonde's phone buzzed from her pocket catching her attention, she fished the device out looking over the notification that just came in. 

'We need to talk' -Jack

Talk about what? she thought swiping the notification away with a small sigh and an eye roll. I need an energy drink, the blonde said to herself before heading towards the stairs. "I'm gonna go get an energy drink, want anything?" she asks pausing beside Morgan who nodded. "Can you grab me my usual you'd be a lifesaver Zo" Morgan said. "Yea, no problem" she replies before starting for the stairs. "Want company?" her partner asks as the blonde just shook her head. "I'm literally going to the corner less than a minute up Locklyn," the agent said to her partner before she disappeared down the stairs and outside of the precinct. 

Not even 2 minutes into her walk her phone began to ring, with a sigh the blonde pulled the device out looking at the caller ID 'Jack' the blonde pressed the green button answering the phone as she walked down the street towards the corner store. "Hey, I'm in the middle of a case right now. Can we talk when I get home- YOU LEFT WITHOUT SAYING A WORD! YOU LEFT THE DAMN DISHES AGAIN" Jack's voice boomed so loud that the blonde had to pull the device away from her ear. 

Zoey couldn't help but let out a shaky breath knowing when she went home things were gonna get ugly. "Jack calm down please, you know I don't get a say in when or where my job takes me. You knew that when we got together," She said trying her very best to stay calm not needing to deal with Jack, The man sighed. "Look, I know I can be hot-headed sometimes but you know I love you right ZoZo" Jack said his whole tone changing to calm and endearing in a matter of seconds. "Umm.. yea sure.." Zoey replied hesitantly not sure of what to tell him or what he wanted her to say. "I wanted to know if you'd Marry me?" Jack asks through the phone. 

The question made the blonde freeze, marry her? The man literally beat her unconscious less than a week ago. "Jack I don't know... Maybe we should wait a bit? think this over more?" Zoey finally said her voice shaky as she spoke. The line went completely silent for a moment and she could begin hearing her voice thumping in her ear. Jack's laugh filled the silence making the unsettling feeling within Zoey grow even more. "Look I wasn't really asking unless you wanted that video out. You have until tomorrow to give me an answer or the video gets leaked and your career is over. Think about it" was all Jack said before the line disconnected. 

Severide stood in shock for a moment before putting her phone back in her pocket. What the fuck am I gonna do now? I can't marry that man?! He didn't love her! she knew that much, If I don't my career and everything I worked for will be over, as the blonde's mind raced a million miles a second. Zoey took a deep shaky breath turning to walk towards the store fighting the tears in her eyes when a sudden jolt of electricity shocked her in the back. 

The agent knew it was a tazer immediately from the feeling of the device. It was mandatory for field training to get tazzed at least once. Zoey's body jolted around frozen before everything around her went completely black.  

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