Stay Away

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Normal pov:

All night you tossed and turned, you were worried about Rosaria. You could feel there was something wrong, with Rosaria, with the animal attacks all of it. Something wasn't right you knew it. You just didn't know what it was specifically.

It became obvious you weren't going to get any sleep by early morning, you decided to go for drive in an attempt to hopefully clear your head a little. You just couldn't sit around in the one place especially if you're being hunted.
Wouldn't it make more sense to keep moving if something was hunting you?
Once inside the car you locked the doors, it was peaceful at this time in the morning. When it was still dark and most people were asleep the roads were clear. The stars and moon illuminated the sky you drove aimlessly not paying much attention to where you were going.

You found yourself near the campus where you were attacked. It was as if you were drawn to the source. It was as if you were there for a reason, you drove slowly keeping and eye on the area around you. Not sure what you were looking for, if anything at all.

You noticed the black car parked nearby, the only car you'd seen all night. Rosarias car. What was she doing here?  Was she looking for the creature?! She couldn't be she shouldn't be. Yet deep down you could sense that's exactly why she was here.

You let your curiousity get the best of you, parking your car near the library.

You sat in your car for a moment
'am I really going to do this' you thought as your heart raced. You gripped the wheel tightly as you mentally debated your options.

Your brain screamed for you to stay in the car, to just drive away. Live another day. But your heart said something completely different, cautiously you unlocked your doors stepping out of your car releasing a breath you didn't realise you were holding. You walked towards the area where you were stalked a feeling of dread settling in the pit of your stomach, stopping dead in your tracks when you saw a familiar figure standing in the field. With another person?!

Her back was turned to you and the other figure hadn't noticed your presence. You hid slightly behind the library keeping an eye on what happened. One moment they appeared to be talking the next.

Rosaria held his head in her hands, his lifeless body fell to the ground. Your heart dropped time moved slowly. This isn't real, it can't be.

She pulled a lighter from her pocket lighting the decapitated head on fire and dropping it to the ground. It was as if the head was soaked in lighter fluid. The way it burned violently. His body seemed to disappear with the wind. Rosaria dropped the burning head, you took a step away you weren't sure how to feel. Scared? Amazed? Sick?

Rosaria looked around almost panicked, her cold dead eyes scanning the area, you took this as a sign to run back to your car.

Had she seen you? What would she do if she saw you? You got into your car immediately driving off not even hesitating to put on your seatbelt. As soon as you got home you sprinted inside locking the door behind you heart still pounding in your chest.
You awoke the next morning in a cold sweat, your heart pounding the fear still in your mind from a nightmare. At this point you couldn't tell what was reality and what was a dream.

You remember seeing Rosaria, she killed a man last night. But the way she looked at you her eyes burning through your soul the blood dripping from her hand splattered over her face. Next thing you knew you were running for your life, you could hear the footsteps behind you. You weren't fast enough.

The line between reality and dream were blurred you don't know if what you saw last night really happened or if you simply dreamt it.

You checked your phone seeing a text from Rosaria. Two words.

'Stay away'

What did that mean? Stay away from her? Why would she say that? You knew there was only one way to get answers though. The moment you left your room you were practically bombarded with questions.

"How were things with Rosaria?", Xiangling joked

"Where'd you go last night?",
Xinqiu questioned

"You went somewhere last night?!"
Bennett asked shocked by Xinqius question.

"Is everything ok?", Chongyun asked noticing you seemed off.

You weren't sure how to reply, you simply sat at the table and thought for a moment. You couldn't tell them about where you went, or what you saw. You simply sat in silence and the others seemed to drop it.

You needed answers, you couldn't give up on Rosaria not yet. The day simply seemed to drag on, the others left you alone after breakfast it was clear you weren't ready to talk.

At last the time arrived early morning, just before the bar closes. Thats where Rosaria will be that's where you'll get your answers.

"I'm going out I'll be back soon", you told Bennett who was still awake flicking through the channels on the tv. He stopped and turned to you with a worried expression.

"Y/N. You know you can always talk to me right?" He asked concern clearly evident in his voice.

"Yeah I know" and with that you left.

The building was practically deserted, you entered as quietly as you could hoping no one noticed your presence. You ducked into one of the booths hiding as Rosaria came by flipping the sign to closed and locking the door.

You watched as she made her way into the room behind the bar. You waited another moment until you heard voices. There were more people with her. You did your best to sneak closer to make out what they were saying.

"We know these attacks aren't animals" a female voice said

"There's another Coven here?" A male asked

"They know the rules, they gotta find somewhere else", another female said

"Simple we just kill them" a second male said

"I met one, they aren't leaving anytime soon. If we don't stop them there'll easily be another hundred in the next few months" Rosaria stated

Another hundred what? You came searching for answers but the longer you stay the more you're confused.

"We need to stop them now", Rosaria continued.

You'd heard enough, it was wrong to listen in you should've left as soon as you heard another voice but you didn't. But the second you got up to leave you heard another voice.

"There's someone here"

Immediately the room went silent you were caught. Rosaria left the room easily finding you.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" She asked

"I want answers"

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