Before The End🍋

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You awoke in the middle of the night, finding the bed you shared with Rosaria empty, you could only just make out muffled voices coming from the kitchen.
What was going on? Allowing your curiousity to get the better of you, you left the bedroom making your way to the kitchen the voices becoming louder as you approached.

"If they're back again, they'll be back stronger. We can't fight this alone anymore", you heard identifying the voice as Rosarias. The group of vampires you met a while ago, were gathered in the lounge room, discussing the issue of the "war" currently taking place.

Not wanting to disrupt the meeting you returned to the bed room, sitting on your phone for a while, awaiting Rosarias return. You continued hearing the muffled voices, occasionally jumping to yells. You did your best to block out the sounds, until everything went quiet.

Assuming the group had left, you waited for Rosarias return, which didn't come. Maybe she left with the others? Would she do that? Leave without telling you? Your mind swirled with thought until the sound shattering glass pulled your attention back to the real world.

Carefully leaving the room you moved to the source of the sound, not sure if you were alone or not. Rosaria sat on the couch in the dark staring blankly at the wall ahead of her. Cautiously approaching her, you found the source of the sound.

Shards of glass stuck out from her hand, blood running down the clear, pieces falling to the ground.

"Rosaria. Are you ok?" You asked throwing all caution out the window rushing to her side.

As if snapping out of a trance, Rosaria now looked at the worry on your face as you held her injured hand.

"Shit", she mumbled under her breath as if only now taking notice of the glass protruding from her skin. Tearing away from your touch Rosaria moved to the kitchen, holding her hand above the sink as she tore the shards from her skin, barely flinching as she ripped the foreign substance from her hand.

"I'm fine Y/N. Just go back to bed", she mumbled as blood leaked from her open wounds. Ignoring her request you went to the bathroom, gathering the few first aid items Rosaria had. Returning to the kitchen you took Rosarias hand carefully inspecting the cuts.

"Its ok Y/N, just. Go back to bed!", she grumbled trying to pull her hand away from your grasp. But you didn't budge now making eye contact you saw the remorse in her eyes.

"Let me help", you whispered cleaning the wounds with disenfectant. Keeping your eyes trained to Rosaria hand you carefully bandaged her wounds.

Avoiding your gaze Rosaria quickly thanked you before throwing away the glass shards in the sink.

"what's going on?", You asked Placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I'm just stressed. Don't worry about it", she continued once again trying to brush you off, gripping Rosaria nape, you forced her to look you in eye.

"I'm going to worry about you Rosaria. Don't you get that?!", You argued, causing the woman to tense up slightly at you words.

"I'm sorry Y/N", she whispered in reply now maintaining eye contact without the need for your actions.

"I just want to keep you safe, from this", she replied.
"We live in two very different worlds, the more you know. The more danger I put you in", she continued her face twisted into a look of concern and guilt.

"I don't care", you replied your words practically stunning the woman before you.
"I don't care, that we live worlds apart.
I don't care that "you're putting me in danger". I care about you Rosaria and I won't stop, caring about you", you argued tears threatening to fall from your eyes. You loved this woman, you loved her more than you thought possible. Seeing her act so coldly, with such little care for herself hurt.

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