Bride to Be

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*Edited: February 24th, 2019

Chapter 5: Bride to Be.


"Could you stay still for one second?!" The guard asks and I spit on his shoes and continue squirming, trying to escape.

Obviously this doesn't work, I'm a twig compared to him. He's like a damn wall of muscle and six feet at the least.

Where the hell is the almighty Alpha? I could really use his help to get this hooligan off me.

I roll my eyes annoyed and completely stunned at what's happened this past hour.

-Flashback to the Woods.-

It happened in slow motion. I thought I would've been a goner when my foot got stuck under the tree root, and I was right as I fall tumbling to the ground. My fall was definitely not graceful, but who cares about graceful when there's a wolf chasing you?

I hurriedly get up, too hyped up on fear and adrenaline to look back, but as I take a step to run I'm grabbed and yanked backwards.

"Now where do you think you're going?" I look behind myself, ready to rip whatever grabbed me a new one, but I'm faced with a man. He wears a smug expression as he look down on me with a mischievous glint in his eye and I glare.

He's not going to look so smug when I bite off his wandering fingers to get away from this whole mess.

Wait, maybe he lives out here! People don't just randomly walk through the woods right? Well I take that back, my friend Calub used to walk through the forest without a shirt on all the time for some odd reason and he had to have food with him. And a lot at that. He ate like a damn animal.

Sadness forces itself into a lump down my throat, trying to choke me up. Before he passed, the woods were his most favorite place in the whole world. I'd seen him make some of his favorite memories here, and on days I felt like I was losing touch with his spirit I'd bring myself to the place he loved most.

My fists ball up as I clench my jaw.

When he passed I was devastated losing him, he was my best friend, the brother I never had. The person I loved more than anyone on this whole earth. I'm not about to have one of my last memories of him, something he loves, ruined for me because some psycho is risking my life by holding me hostage.

"You need to let me go, there's wolves out right now, they're chasing me and I-." I stop mid-sentence, terror flooding through me when my eyes meet piercing ones through the trees.

My legs woke up before me. They forced my body to lurch forward, to try and run, but this time I'm stopped by the man wrapping his arm around my waist while lifting me so my back meets his chest.

"Let me go!" I scream and that's when the wolf is about three feet in front of us and starts snarling, bearing his canines, I'm assuming at both the man and I.

"Oh shut up you stupid thing." I sneer and the wolf growls but stays in his spot, bearing his teeth for all to see. If I'm going to die I might as well show some sort of resentment.

Just because your going to eat me doesn't mean you can growl at me. I think to myself and that's when a feral snarl leaves the wolf's mouth and fear strikes me.

Now it's starting to sink in that I'm going to die and I haven't even had lunch yet. I almost sob at the thought, I'd kill for waffles right now.

My short sobbing session is cut incredibly short as a low growl reverberates through the man behind me.

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