A Prisoner To The Devil.

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Chapter 29: A Prisoner To The Devil.


"You're a disgrace, a piece of filth that's ruined my name. You were willing to be mated to one of those mutts. Ha, and an Alpha at that!" Melanie bellows and I suck up the blood from my mouth and spit it on her face.

Bitch deserves it. How dare she talk about my Greyson like that.

"Oh Valerie you never learn do you?" She asks then comes back towards me with her brass knuckles punching me in the face again.

Thankfully Melanie wasn't heavy handed, but dear god did it still hurt like absolute hell. I try to hold in the cry that ends up being a yelp and a treacherous tear falls.

"Now tell me," She says, her mouth pulled into something that resembles a tight lipped snarl, and kneels in front of my face.

I stare at the women with as much hate as I can muster when she asks the question.

"Where can I get in? What time Valerie? This could all be over if you just..." Her voice fades out as I look away.

Over my dead body will I tell her how to get in.

I may never have met the whole pack, but they are still my pack. And I won't let this evil women hurt them.

"Your so fucking stubborn. It looks like you're forcing my hand to do this the hard way." She says and exchanges her brass knuckled for this silver looking whip with tiny microscopic spikes.

Oh this is going to hurt.

I squeeze the restraints on my wrists anticipating the pain when I feel the hard brute whip on my back. This time I can't help the cry that leaves my mouth.

I bite my lip as another lashing comes down hard on the soft skin of my back. I pant digging my nails into my hands trying to distract myself.

The whip comes down harder and a scream falls from my lips as cries leave my mouth.

She whips me again in the same spot and now I feel blood trickling down my back.

I sob curling my toes and flinching away when she whips me again.

"This *whip* could *whip* stop if you just *whip**whip**whip* tell me *whip* where they are!" She screams and I gasp tears running down my face as she whips me mercilessly.

"Holy fuck." I gasp as I pant and try to gather my thoughts.

I can't tell her. This is my fault for leaving, I deserve the punishment, not them. I'm the Luna. A good Luna would protect her pack.

A sob leaves my lips, as I try staying strong.


I can hear Greyson scolding me again. Pack comes first. I look up at the glass mirror in front of me, to see Melanie come down with her whip.

I hiss as tears stream down my face but I try pushing the pain away.

I think about what Greyson said, trying to draw strength from what he told me a good Luna was supposed to be.

You're the Luna. You can do this.

I'm the Luna.

"I'm the Luna." I whisper softly and Melanie wipes sweat off her forehead.

"What did you fucking say?" She asks and I swallow the lump in my throat and speak.

"I'm the Luna." I say louder.

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