Chapter four

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Chapter 4


I thought long and hard about the situation before finally telling Stella I found Cassie. I failed to mention the letters. She doesn't need to know of the threat, I've already got my best man on the job. The last thing I want to do is worry Stella anymore. Taking her hand as I explain what I've done, I watch the tears come into her eyes and break my heart. The best I can do is assure her that I sent one of my best men to check on Cassie.

"Do you think it's a good idea?" Stella's concern for our daughter's safety grew. I know Cassie was not happy living a military life. I know it will be a problem if she discovers one of my men is under her roof, keeping her under surveillance.

"It's the best I could come up with," I defend myself sadly.

After I had received the call from Earl telling me Cassie is now living in Heart Butte, it takes all my self-restraint not to rush there myself to protect her and bring Cassie home. I knew that would be counterproductive. She would only dig in her heels and fight me at every turn.

Cassie had given explicit instructions about not contacting her. That girl is stubborn as a mule sometimes. I used to think she got that from me. I gave her my word. My word is all I have with her. It's my integrity, my honor at stake if I break it. I have to keep it. I'm not contacting her, one of my men is. A man who is discharged honorably and no longer under my command.

She can't find out he is working for me. "She won't know that McKennan is working for me. At least with him there, we can be sure she's safe."

Safe, Stella wondered, safe from what?

She watched my expression closely knowing so many of my telltale signs. The crease in my brow tells her I'm feeling the stress, which I won't put on her shoulders. The steel in my eyes reflects the Marine at work.

This isn't a father's worry eating at me. This is the Marine Colonel on duty, assessing the problem, learning the lay of the land, bending the rules of engagement, and preparing for battle. She has seen this look before, many times over the years. It's always right before I leave for a tour of duty. A shiver runs through her, like a cold chill running down her spine, something bigger is at work.

"There's more isn't there? My girl is in trouble." Stella knows me too well and can see there's something I'm not telling her. "You know something. There's something wrong with my baby?"

Stella's hands clasp together tightly in her lap. Her nerves are working overtime. She's scared and rattled as I reach out to her. It wasn't an overture I make often anymore. The tension between us has gotten so high we don't touch, barely speak, and only when necessary do we deal with each other. We're more like strangers now than man and wife. Despite the distance between us, Stella still knows me better than anyone. I'm holding back from her and she knows it.

I have to reassure her, and keep her calm. Despite the wall that has come between us, I do love her. "Nothing's wrong with Cassie. She's safe, so is the boy. She was in a bad place last time we talked to her. Something is obviously wrong. I just want to be sure she's okay now." It seemed logical. And I am always logical.

"Cassie is in trouble. She doesn't need you adding to it. Don't you think by sending this soldier of yours after her, you're going to upset her more?" Stella knows questioning my orders is futile but she needs to be sure her little girl is safe. So do I. That's why I gave the order.

"First off, McKennan isn't a soldier, he's a Marine. There is a difference. And he's not just a Marine, he's one of my best." I've always hated being labeled a soldier. I'm in the Marines, not the Army. "Second, if she is in trouble, wouldn't you want to know so we can help her?"

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