Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


I've had enough for one day. Hoping I can figure out a way to avoid another inquisition, I head to my room to change, do some finangling with the bills and go to bed. My old pajamas, worn and comfortable, are probably the least attractive thing I could find to put on. But I'm more interested in comfort than looks. The last thing I need is to have Travis thinking I'm wearing some sexy number for him. I'm not and won't.

Although thinking about the idea of teasing him, just a little, is an interesting thought. I'd like to see what he would do, how would he react? If the situation was different it could be fun. It's not something I should even entertain thinking about. At the moment I should focus on his need to protect us, not his company. Should I trust him to take care of us, or continue on with my own road.

It's not like Anthony can get to us. He's in the brig. I checked just to be sure nothing had changed since last time. Even if he knows where we are, he can't get out yet. There's still months before he can be considered for release even with good behavior.

But Travis knows we're in trouble. He is willing to help us. At what cost though ? What will I have to give up if I accept his offer? Deciding to wait to go back downstairs until I've settled my nerves again, I scrubbed my face, worked a moisturizer into my skin, I might not have much but that doesn't mean I don't take care of what I have.

After brushing my teeth and hair I took a long look in the mirror. I'm not too bad. Pushing my fingers near the outside of my eyes, I play with the smile lines there and wonder when I got those. I'm careful about the sun, wind and keeping in good shape but there are some things I just can't stop from changing. So I take care of what I have and do my best to not push the clock to age me more.

Before I headed downstairs, I checked in on Jacob. He is still sleeping soundly and probably will stay that way for a couple hours more. Quietly I closed his door and padded down the stairs. I didn't expect to find Travis in the family room as if he was waiting for me. Feeling the nervous bubbles in my tummy, I pause in the doorway wondering if I could sneak back up without him noticing.

The lights are off down here. With only the flames from the fireplace lighting the room. He had made himself comfortable, probably not expecting me to come back down until morning. With his shirt off, dressed in a pair of worn jeans with holes in the knee and bare feet, he leaned his arm on the hearth and stoked up the fire.

It's like a scene from a movie. His tan, sinewy muscles ripple in the soft light of the fire. There's strength in him, body and mind. A physical man, he likes to work with his hands. I'm not so oblivious to him to lie, even to myself, that I've been watching him work around here. And I'm not above saying that I've enjoyed the view.

My breath actually caught in my throat looking at him just now. It isn't fair, complaining in my head as I study him. Finding him this way was the last thing I expected. His muscles, sleek and tense, tighten and flex as he pokes at the logs. That golden skin glimmered in the firelight as he stood back up. The old jeans he wore hung low at his hips and the scarred boots he removed were resting on the floor, next to the kindling.

A bottle of beer rested on the thick mantle over the fireplace. Travis reaches for it and drinks deeply. His jaw is firm, squared with defined dimples that are deceptively innocent looking but I'd wager my last dollar he's anything but innocent. There is a mystery in those eyes and a knowing that keeps me off balance. He's a dangerous man for me to let down my guard for.

A Marine, I can't forget that. A dangerous marine, just like Anthony. The man who swore to protect those who couldn't protect themselves, had hurt me. Now one of his own, Travis, is willing to stand up for her to one of his brothers in arms. A Marine just like Travis has gone against everything the Marine Corps stands for. Is it really no wonder I'm so leery of him learning the truth?

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