Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


He told me the truth about what he's known for years, but he never confronted my mother. He told me about the battle, about Tom's death, and the letters he has received, with threats to me and his career. And he told me about Carol.

Mom arrived a few hours ago. We sat quietly, her arms around me the entire time. She's a rock for me and for Dad. She will never let me down. I hope to never let her go again.

"It's going to be okay, honey. You'll see. Your father will take care of everything. He'll find Travis, and he will be just fine. Let him take care of this, Cassie. Why don't you and Jacob come home with me? We'll sort it all out with this behind us." Mom tried to reassure me, in hopes of assuring herself in the process.

The emotion in Mom's voice gives me little hope that all will truly be fine. Too much has happened. Too much has gone unsaid for too long. I doubt we will ever be able to go back to the way it was. I'm aware of Mom's indiscretion and Dad's mistakes. I know there will be a fallout from that. It isn't just me who needs to heal.

Standing on the porch, watching as the men dressed in camouflage rope down from the chopper overhead, I soothe myself with the knowledge that Travis isn't alone out there. Barely able to hear myself speak, I watch them join Daddy for orders.

One by one, they hit the ground with ease and proceeded to line up at attention. I'm impressed that one phone call has done so much, but it is a long way from getting my bags into the waiting car. I won't leave until I see that Travis is safe and Anthony is either dead or in custody. Either one isn't enough for the damage he has done, but I know I have to settle for what I can get.

    The Colonel spoke briefly to his men. I strained to hear the instructions given. I want to be sure nothing happens to Travis. But his voice is too soft, and the helo too loud, for me to hear a word. I have to remain satisfied for the moment that he is taking care of the matter and following our agreement.

The problem is I'm not satisfied with what I see. If Dad is taking care of the situation, why do I have such a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach? Why do I feel my father hasn't told me all that is to happen once the men are out on the hunt?

The cold look in their eyes as they each glance in my direction, tells me Dad isn't telling them the entire story. It is enough to intimidate even the strongest of men. These men who stand before me are the best the service has to offer. My father won't settle for anything less, so why am I worried that something has gone terribly wrong.

The hours pass slowly. While I sit by the window, staring out at the darkness I feel helpless. This waiting, watching and hoping each time a group of men appear at the edge of the woods is putting me more on edge. Every time I search the faces of those that emerge, my heart breaks.

Minute after minute, I feel Travis' chances of coming out alive are getting worse. Every time a group comes back empty handed, the knot in my stomach tightens. It is so hard to believe that I'll never see him again. I will never be able to tell him how I felt.

    Sitting on the porch in the wee hours of morning, I watched the last group arrive back from their search. The men stood around the long picnic table, a map of the area is laid out and marked with colored tacks indicating the areas that has been searched. Quietly they spoke, not allowing me to hear the conversation.

    "The ground has been covered, sir, blood is everywhere. We ran the field tests, compared it to the blood types we had on file for both McKennan and Dean. Sir, I'm sorry." The Marine swallowed hard, he had served with Travis for 3 years prior to Travis being discharged. "It belonged to McKennan. If the blood trail is any indication, I'd say he's dead by now. The animals probably got him and dray him off to..." His voice trailed as he looked in my direction.

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