Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


Cold water splashed on my face, pulling me from my nightmare again. Groaning in pain, I looked into the eyes of death. Dean stood over me, a water bottle in hand, grinning down at me. Sitting back on his haunches, he looked me over, as if he were deciding on lunch. His fingers stroked his chin with a sigh.

    "You should have stayed out of it, McKennan. I had almost forgotten everything you did to me." Getting to his feet, Dean used the toe of his boot to nudge me right in the ribs. It hurt like hell but I won't give him the satisfaction of knowing that. "Cassie preoccupied me with her mischief making. I plum forgot about the way you ruined my career. Fortunately for you, getting involved reminded me."

He smiled, a poker from a fireplace rested against the log next to him. "She does make it easy, doesn't she? Tell me, old friend, did she allow you into her bed as easily as she did me, or did you have to press the matter?"

The rage awakened my adrenaline. Seeing the man who had hurt Cassie, boasting about her torture, only forced me to fight against the darkness. "Bastard! I'll make you pay for what you've done!" I'm too weak to struggle.

My hands are tied over my head and around the tree, while my feet are tied together, attached to a dead stump. Even wiggling on the ground hurts. The broken branches and leaves stick and bite into my back as I move. Dean places his foot on my shoulder, grinding his heel into the wound. I bite back a scream of pain.

I take a deep breath and try to focus my attention on my anger. I was trained to deal with torture, what to do, what information to give. I was trained to shut off my emotions. I need to use that training now.

"I know what you're doing, McKennan, but you see, I still have the upper hand." Dean smiles, drawing a design in the dirt with the tip of the poker. "You see, the Colonel never trained you how to watch the woman you love die in front of your eyes." His evil grin deepened, as he sat down to enjoy the moment. "You were one of the best, McKennan. I do have to say, out of all the men I went up against, you were one of the toughest to beat. Your downfall was that you let her get to you. She got under your skin and now you have to watch her beg for her life."

"Anthony?" The female voice boomed through the trees. "Where are you?" Her voice was breathless as she pushed her way through the brush toward the clearing.

Anthony smiled at the sound of his mother's voice. "Here, mother," He responded, turning on his flashlight. "Don't get any idea's boys. She's fully armed and will kill anyone in her path. I trained her myself." Anthony proudly called out to the trees. He spotted the troops who surrounded the clearing.

"Don't know who you're yelling at, darlin'." Carol spoke coyly as she stepped into the clearing. "I've already taken care of the four boys that were watching you. It always amazes me how women are taken for granted. It was so simple, honey. You would have enjoyed watching it."
Carol moved to her son and kissed his cheek.

"It's good to see you." Glancing down at me, she raised her eyebrows. "Got in your way, huh?"

"Let me introduce you." Dean pleasantly smiled as if we were at a social event. "This is Travis McKennan, Mama. McKennan, this is Carol Hastings, my mother."

I watched Dean with interest. My eyes are hazy, but I can see the obvious affection he has for his mother. The woman isn't a warm person. She is cold, callous even. The way she moves, shaking off the violence that is happening doesn't disturb her. Carol leans over, getting face to face with me. My eyes are blurring, but I see the crazy in her eyes.

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