Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


Waiting a moment before I followed, I stood at the top of the stairs stunned, watching them. My father and Travis are in a quiet, yet intense, conversation as Doc Earl remained silent at my father's side. The grief and relief in my father's eyes as he looked up and saw me was overwhelming. Travis and Doc Earl followed his gaze to the top of the stairs realizing this is a very difficult moment for both of us.

Dad nodded and whispered something to Travis before he patted him on the back and dismissed him. Travis turned to leave but took one last look at me. He swore he would protect me and he's leaving me. I didn't even get to say goodbye. He just left without another word.

I wanted a moment with him even if it was just to say goodbye but with my father here and unaware of the relationship that has developed, it isn't going to happen. Going to the window I watched as the man I was falling for headed toward the trees in search of his prey.

My breath caught in my throat, he was doing it. He was leaving with the possibility of not returning to me. My stomach clenched nervously, how can I just stand here and let him leave?

Without a word to my father, I raced down the stairs, past the two older men as if they were only figments of my imagination and bolted out the front door. I paused only for a moment at the top step of the deck to find him in the shadows. When Travis heard the door slam, he turned around to face me.

His eyes met with mine and held for a moment, I swear my heart was going to leap out of my chest. I blazed a trail of dust down those rickety steps and plowed into his arms finding comfort in the only place I wanted to be. Before I knew what he was going to do, his arms wrapped around me. Lifting my head, my lips pressed firmly against his. I felt him sigh, his hand slipping into my hair, gripping the back of my head as he took control of the kiss. Reveling in the moment, he deepened the kiss for only a second before pulling away from me.

"Please stay. We'll find another way." I pleaded. Cupping his face, I try to keep him from going into the forest.

His eyes stayed soft and focused on mine even though we heard the door open again. My father and Earl stood on the deck watching our every move. Closing his eyes, Travis rests his forehead to mine and takes a deep breath. How was I to explain this to my father? There is so much I need to tell Travis, so much I simply can't say because I don't want to be hurt again.

If Travis knew how much I care for him, the future I want to plan for us, it would only make the situation worse for me.

"I'm coming back for you and Jacob. I promise." His voice is soft and calm, but filled with emotion. Travis leans into me, his eyes on mine, and kisses me once more before he releases me.

    "Wait, I need to tell you something." I cling onto him, my voice clogged with tears.

    "When I come home. Tell me when I come home." Travis stopped me, wiping the tears off my cheek. "We have a lot to talk about when I get back."

    "What if you..." I couldn't finish my sentence. He silenced me with his finger touching my lips. I want to curl up in his arms and know that everything will be okay.

I didn't want to even think about the thought of life without Travis. He has to come back to me. I know living without him won't be living at all. I would be running again, only this time from the memories of losing Travis and knowing I will never see him again.

    "I'm coming back. You have to trust me." Stepping back, Travis watches the tears slip down my cheek. "You have to be strong, Cassie. Jacob needs you to be strong for him." He reminded me as he let go of my hands.

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