Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


"Good morning, Mother," I greeted Mother as she walked into her darkened kitchen.

The old woman jumped in her slippers and pressed her shaking hand against her heart. The sight of fear in her eyes made me laugh. I've always been able to get her to scream even as a child, I scared her. She blinked quickly several times, trying to get her bearings. Her worn out eyes dilated as she struggled to see into the dark shadows I hid in. Once again, I proved to be the predator not the prey.

"What on earth are you doing here so early?" Mother asked, heart pounding with every heavy breath. "I wasn't expecting you yet. Oh, Anthony, don't tell me you've done something rash! You didn't escape, did you?"

Flipping on the fluorescent light so she could see me better, Mother eyed me cautiously, looking for a sign that I would lie to her again. She has always believed I was in trouble of some sort, even when I was a child. I never went looking for it, trouble just found me. Not this time though. Not yet, at least. Although I'm sure I will be creating plenty of trouble soon.

Smiling at my mother, I reclined back in the old wooden chair with my feet propped up on the table. I have quite a good poker face when it's needed. I know there's no emotion in my eyes to give myself away. Letting her think what she will of me, I ignore the sting of her lack of faith. "It's always so nice to know you're happy to see me."

Dropping my feet to the floor, I lean forward, my elbows on the table, as I motion for her to join me. "Relax, Mother. I didn't escape. I was released, just as planned. Of course, I did have a little help. Thank you for the use of your email."

"I thought that was you. You could have warned me you were contacting the Coronel. I don't like not knowing what you're planning. I didn't know what to say when he showed up at my office." Obviously the Colonel's visit has put her on edge.

"You know I can't share that. It's for your own good. Plausible deniability. What you don't know, you can't tell." And if she doesn't know she can't stop me like last time. I won't make that mistake again.

"I wouldn't betray you, you know that. Last time was an honest mistake." Her nerves raw, I watch twist a towel into a knot then struggle to undo it.

"You don't seem happy I'm free. Are you having second thoughts?" She doesn't have the resolve I do. She's never seen what I have. Mother is getting soft, perhaps it's better to leave her out of the loop.

"No! Of course not. You just surprised me. You know, I'm always happy to see you. But you did scare the daylights out of me." Smiling, I'm pleased with her response. I've taken great care to set things up just so. I won't let her mess this up.

I have a plan in motion, she doesn't need to know the details. For my own sake, I've kept her in the dark. She presumes it's for her safety, but honestly, I just don't want her involved. Why would I? She's never done anything to get retribution for our loss. She just accepted what was dealt to her. That's not good enough.

I believe you reap what you work for. And I've worked damn hard to get to this moment. I won't allow anyone to get in my way. I'm perfectly capable of handling Cassie on my own. Although with Mother's help, it does lend me an alibi, if necessary.

I know she wonders about my motives. I know she's afraid of me failing as much as she's afraid I'll succeed. She can worry and mull it over all she wants. I'm going to fulfill my assignment. I won't quit. I won't be swayed. I will complete my assignment while the time window is open.

Mother fixes her coffee then moves cautiously to the table and takes a seat across from me. She knows just how lethal I have become. Even she has become prudent when dealing with me. A sign that my transformation into the killing weapon that the service created me to be is complete. I don't need any barriers getting in my way now.

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