Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


I have to move quickly. My time is tight and I won't be able to take these kinds of chances again. One shot is all I have. Soon Cassie's protector will be back. Soon I will be hiding in the shadows of the forest, waiting for the right moment, the right time, to reveal myself to both of them. At least I can satisfy myself with the knowledge that she can still feel my presence. I'm sure Cassie knows I'm here. Placing my hand on the door, I hesitated just a moment there, she's on the other side. I can hear her breathing. Sliding back into the dark shadows of the empty hall I leave her knowing she is scared to death.

Making my way through the darkness, fully aware of every piece of furniture, of every toy that is in his path, I work my way out of the house. I didn't pause to check the other rooms on the top or main floor. I don't bother to check the basement, I know where she is. Taking the stairs down to the front door. When I reached the locked door, I looked up once more at the top of the stairs. My hand tingles again from feeling her presence.


Finding a good place to stay put, I listened intently to the woods around me. The crackle of leaves, the sound of a branch break, anything that would give someone away isn't there. It's eerily silent all around me. The hair stands up on the back of my neck as my eyes focus on the house. Scanning the house from where I am, it looks peaceful inside.

The windows are dark and from my vantage point it looks like everyone is asleep. If only that was the case. Just then there's movement, a curtain at one of the top floor windows shifts. Everything in me tensed as I counted the windows. Jacob's room, I determined. Cassie must be watching out for me. The tension eased slightly before I heard the shuffling of leaves behind me.

Movement in the dark puts me on alert. Spinning around on my heels, I begin tracking the predator who has been tracking me. Moving swiftly and deftly through the woods, I move. Deeper in the darkness, I drove the beast away from the house. I'll find Dean and when I do , I will kill him. I have no doubt that one of us will die when we finally face one another.

This confrontation won't end as before, there's no one around out here in the woods to break it up. This time only one of us will come out alive. I've got too much to live for now. Cassie and Jacob are waiting for me. I've got too much not to fight for, to protect if that's what it comes to. I just have to be sure I'm the one left standing.

The night vision goggles illuminated everything in the woods with a green tint. I moved swiftly toward the sound of movement. I was driving the person deeper into the woods. All around me, the woods have gone silent. It's as if even the creatures of the night know that danger is lurking. The movement, just ahead of me, about twenty yards away directed me where we were going.

I stopped and listened, closing my eyes to enhance my other senses. Once again, all is silent. Where are the owls, raccoons and wolves? My eyes opened, I knelt in the dark and searched, with the help of night vision, where I stood.

The hollowed out log five yards away caught my attention. I went over cautiously to check it out. Still on alert, I reached into the log, hoping there aren't any animals hiding in there and searched the log. Feeling around I found my first break. Grabbing something soft and something else wrapped inside, I pull it out. A bedroll with a flashlight rolled up inside.

My jaw clenched as I looked around once again. He's here, this was his hiding spot. Looking through the goggles I found more. There's trash lying in a bush. It was recently discarded, tossed negligently for the forest critters to finish off.

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