Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


    I stayed where I was for a moment. Hearing the soft moan from Mom I focused on her injuries. Kneeling beside her, and stroking her face, before I grab mom under her arms and quickly drag her up the steps and into the house. The ambulance and police will be here soon. Dialing 911 I relayed the information to the operator.

"Dad! Dad! Where are you?" Calling out for the Colonel, I don't get a response. "Mom, just relax. Helps on the way."

I need help and I don't have it. Travis said to stay inside. He's going to find Jacob but I'm alone and scared. I don't know how to help Mom. But I know I need to check all the doors and windows. I need to protect myself.

Hurrying through the house, top to bottom, I lock doors and secure windows. I won't be caught off guard again. As I went through the house I searched for Dad. I'm worried that Anthony has gotten to him as well. The only thing I can do is report Dad missing, and hope he's okay.

Staying on the line with emergency, they keep talking to me to keep me calm. I sit down with Mom, cradling her head in my lap, and gently rock her just as I do with Jacob. Praying silently for Travis to find my baby and bring him back safely, I listen to the calm voice on the phone, while my mind goes over everything.

Dad never lets his guard down, especially in a dangerous situation. But then we've never been in this kind of danger before. It's personal for him and Anthony. Emotions have a way of changing the situation. It's something I have to consider.


Racing into the trees without a thought of my own safety, I pursue Dean. I need to protect the woman I love and her child. I want them both. When this is over I'll make Jacob mine too. Both of them will be taken care of and nothing will ever happen to either of them again.

    As I go deeper into the trees, the canopy of trees shade the sun. It is cooler back here, darker, and thick with brush. More places to hide, meaning it's harder to track, but not impossible. I've trained in these conditions, as has Dean. We're on balanced ground.

Moving stealthy, keeping my breathing steady and watching where I step, I kept silent listening to everything from the birds in the trees to the leaves crunching under foot. The sounds ahead of me have stopped. Slipping behind a large tree, I close my eyes and listen.

"You can't beat me!" Hearing his arrogant tone makes me want to tear into him.

"Let the kid go, Dean! He isn't your problem! Your beef is with me!" I need him focused on me, not Jacob.

"I don't think so. The kid is mine and I like having my little insurance policy here." He laughs as if this is a game.

"Come out, Dean! Face me like a man instead of the coward both of us know you are!" Doing my damnedest to get him to face me, I step away from the tree and aim the gun in the direction I heard his voice.

Stepping out, Dean smiles at me. Juggling the sobbing boy on his hip. "Hey kiddo, look who found us?" He leveled his gun in my direction "You're pathetic, McKennan. Whipped! You were on the fast track in the Corp and you let a woman bring you to your knees."

"I'm not the one hiding behind a baby." Antagonizing seems to be the only way to get him to stay focused on me. "Put the kid down and try taking me on as a man!"

Anthony snarls at me, scaring the boy but he lowers the kid to the ground. "Stay put now, remember the game?"

He's telling Jacob this is a game? How is he going to explain it when the guns start firing and someone is killed. The kid shouldn't be out here. He should be in the house with his mom.

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