Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


I looked back in my rearview mirror as I pulled the car away from the house. Earl filled me in on our latest resident in Heart Bluff. Travis McKennan has made quite a name for himself in the Marine Corps. A real hero if what Earl says is accurate. Cassie couldn't have a better bodyguard. Or a more tasty one. That girl got the whole package with that boy.

Waving my hand in my face at the thought of what has to be happening between those two behind closed doors, I laugh at myself. "Calm yourself, girl. He's Cassie's prize not mine."

And if she doesn't hold on to him with both hands when this is over, then Cassie's lost her mind.

I haven't known Cassie long personally, although I have heard plenty about her over the last several of months from Earl. He seems to know a little about everything lately. Which is funny because people around here think I'm the gossip! Ha! That man knows more than I do.

Cassie's daddy has been worried sick about her. I know that. The moment Earl realized who Cassie was, he was on the phone with his friend. It was a relief, I know, that we were able to watch over her for him. Although I have a feeling there's a lot more going on than I've been told.

Cassie has secrets I don't think her daddy knows about. That's probably why he was so adamant that he sent in his own man to watch her. He must have known she wasn't telling him the truth. She seemed so apprehensive and innocent when I first met her.

Who would have guessed shy little Cassie McAfferty was Colonel McAfferty's troubled daughter. Glancing through the mirror at Jacob, who has a bulky toy car in his hand that he's banging against his car seat. "You're one lucky kiddo, Jacob. If your mama can get her head straight, you're gonna have yourself one of the best men in the world for a daddy."

At the light, I dug my hand into my purse and blindly searched until I pulled out my cell phone. I promised I'd call as soon as I had this sweet boy in my hands. "Hi darlin', it's me. Everything's fine. Just wanted you to know Travis is doing just fine with her."

I'm sure Earl has told him the same thing.

"She doesn't seem to know a thing, at least not that I can tell. They had some sort of disagreement this morning, but I think it was just a lover's quarrel." I pulled the phone away from my ear and paused as the angry voice boomed in my ear.

I know Cassie is his baby girl, but she's a grown woman with a baby, not a naive teenager who's shacking up with a married man. It's high time that he gets that through his thick head. There's a reason Cassie rebelled against him and his rules. She needs freedom to be an adult.

The Colonel ranted the next few miles about how Cassie is too impulsive and not thinking about the consequences of her actions. He growled about her needing structure in her life, stability for her son. He hasn't asked me why I believe they are lovers. Or at the very least, on the way there. I'll just have to set him straight.

"Yes, I do think they are. I may not be the brightest bulb on the block, Colonel, but I can see two people falling in love just fine." The growling and grumbling in my ear continued again. "Oh, God grief, stop it. They're adults, John! You wouldn't have sent him here if you didn't trust and respect him! I know all too well that you don't respect many people, John."

He doesn't like that I'm not calling him Colonel. Too bad. I'm not one of his soldiers. I don't have to follow their rules. I'm definitely not some wet behind the ears child he thinks he can boss around. He's lucky I'm very fond of Cassie and Travis that I'm willing to keep him in the loop.

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