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Alyssa p.o.v
I was shaving my last clients head up in tevins barber shop listening to him and Briah talk

Briah: I can't wait to get off

Me: you barely did anything

Briah: I swept the floor and I organized the magazines

Me: see nothing

I went back to my client

Tevin: ay leave my baby alone

Me; well yo baby don't be doing shit

Tevin: man hurry up so we can close up shop

Me: why

Tevin and Briah looked at each other

Briah: so the man don't come in here

I laughed

Me: what is he the boogeyman or something

Tevin: how many times do we have to tell you this story he-

Me: yeah yeah Chris brown aka the man that killed his father with one gun shot to the eye and any person that crosses his path something bad happens..we all saw him before

Briah: yeah and

Me: nothing bad has happened besides wasn't his dad doing some weird shit to him

Tevin; oh god not you defending this nigga again

Me: I'm not-

Briah: Alyssa you not afraid of him

Me: nope

I finished up with my client and we closed up shop
End p.o.v

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