Mind yo business

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Jasir p.o.v
I was sitting on Chris porch when a lady popped up on the sidewalk

Me: you lost or something

Alyssa: no I just wanna talk to him

Me: why he in trouble or something

Alyssa: no I am

I looked her up and down

Me: you must be that Alyssa chick

Alyssa: yup that's me

As soon as she said yup Chris opened the door fast

Chris: whatcha doing here my appointment ain't until Sunday

Alyssa: yeah about that my boss kinda mad at me

Chris: why you ain't do nothing wrong

Alyssa: I know but they saying it's bad for business

Chris: man fuck yo bitch ass boss..I'm paying you not him

Alyssa: true but-

Chris: Alyssa..he ain't ya daddy you can't always listen to people

Alyssa: yeah Chris I know..well I'll see you Sunday

Chris: see ya

His eyes was watching her

Me; Chris you got drool coming out the side of ya mouth

Chris: man shut up

Me: I ain't seen you like this since college

Chris: it ain't nothing

Me: my nigga you was just drooling

He rolled his eyes at me and went back into the house
End p.o.v

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