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Alyssa p.o.v
I was sitting on my bed when Chris FaceTimed me

Me: hello

Chris: you finally answered me huh

Me: imma hang up if you gonna be like this

Chris: wait don't do it

I gave him a smug look

Chris: look I miss you and I'm sorry I did that to you..life hasn't been good

Me: and what else

Chris; so I wanna make it up to you

Me: whatcha gonna do for me Chris huh

He scratched his beard

Me: cause dealing with you I thought would be easy ya know

Chris; I know I know

I just looked at him through the screen and he looked at me with sad eyes

Me: one more chance but if you ruin it..I'm done

Chris: okay

I hung the phone up

Briah: soo when are you going to tell him about this

She was pointing at my pregnancy test

Me: soon
End p.o.v

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