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Zaria p.o.v
I knew her ass would say no while she was at work.. so I decided to pop up at her house with some crab legs

Me: hey friend

Alyssa: why would you call me with that bullshit at work

Me: I brought you your favorite

I walked straight into her house

Alyssa: Zaria

Me: look can you please do it..he's my friend and Michael friend too

Alyssa: fine I will

Me: yay

She started eating the crab legs

Alyssa: so I won't get shunned or stoned or anything

Me: girl no it's just Chris

Alyssa: aka the man everyone hates

Me: they only hate him cause his daddy was the police chief

Her eyes got big when I said that

Alyssa: bitch you got me playing with the devil

I started laughing

Me: no I don't

Alyssa: but ay I like challenges so I'll do it

Me: yay imma text him now and plus he lives down the street from you anyway

Alyssa: thanks I can save money on gas

Me: I do wonder how he's going to react to you

Alyssa: whatcha mean by that

Me: nothing just be careful Chris hasn't seen a woman in awhile

Alyssa: I'm a big girl I ain't afraid of him
End p.o.v

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