
233 8 0

Michael p.o.v
I was ease dropping on Alyssa and Zaria conversation

Zaria: I know something you don't

Alyssa; and I got a secret to tell you

Zaria: well what is it

Alyssa: hmm no you should go first

Zaria; Chris has a crush on you

Alyssa: I already know that

Zaria looked at me and I looked at Zaria

Alyssa: what

Me; what's going on with you and my boy

They looked up at me on the stairs

Alyssa: nothing really I mean we did kiss or whatever

Zaria: wait y'all kissed

Alyssa; yes but I want to take it slow it's not a big deal

Me: mhmm

Maybe not to her but it might be a big deal to Chris
End p.o.v

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