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Briah p.o.v
Alyssa has been quiet lately at work

Tevin: I brought Chinese food yall

Me: Ouu Yass

I was about to grab a bag but he smacked my hand

Me; ouch you ain't have to do that

Tevin: this is for when y'all go on break

Alyssa: I'm not hungry

Me: you said that yesterday and the day before Alyssa

Tevin: what's wrong with you

Alyssa: nothing is wrong with me

Tevin: it's probably that Chris nigga ain't it

Alyssa rolled her eyes

Me: well what happened with him

Alyssa: got into a fight with him and I cut things off

She pointed at the little mark on her neck

Tevin; you want me to handle his ass or-

Alyssa: no I don't want anyone else hurt to be honest

Me: well that sucks y'all was cute together

Alyssa smirked at me and walked to the bathroom
End p.o.v

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