Hate me tomorrow

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Zaria p.o.v
I was outside the police station when Chris walked out with some guy behind him

Chris: you really called the police on me

Tevin: nigga have you seen my eye

Chris: yup and I did a good job on it

Tevin: stay away from me and my shop

Chris rolled his eyes at him

Chris: blah blah it's a free-

Me: Chris come on

Tevin: yeah listen to ya lil girlfriend

Chris: not my girlfriend and tell Alyssa i said hey

Tevin smirked at him and walked off

Me: what did you do this time

Chris: he been messing with me so I had-

Me: Chris just get in the damn car

We got in the car and I started to drive

Me: I can't keep saving yo ass you gotta do better

Chris; I'm sorry I really am

Me: yeah okay and you gotta apologize to Alyssa

Chris: I will
End p.o.v
Sorry this chapter is short

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