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Zaria p.o.v
Chris and Alyssa gathered me Michael and jasir up

Jasir: what's the emergency

Me; I don't know

Michael: aww shit Chris what do you do now

Chris: I did nothing

Me: well what did you do Alyssa

Alyssa; well we both did something

Jasir: oh god y'all both going to jail

Them: no

Me: then what the hell is it

Alyssa: y'all are going to be auntie and uncle's

Michael; oh my god

She showed us the ultra sound and pregnancy test

Me: aww congratulations

Jasir; is it a boy or a girl

Chris: I say boy

Me: this nigga

Alyssa; we don't know yet

Michael: aww I can't wait to meet it

Me: team girl

Alyssa; Ayy

We high fived each other
End p.o.v

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