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Chris p.o.v
I was at home rubbing Alyssa's belly

Me: it has to be a boy

Alyssa: i don't know maybe a girl

She went back eating her hot Cheetos

Me; ehh no girls

Alyssa: why what if it's triplets

Me: hell nah they gonna be mean like you

Alyssa: your the one that's mean

She started laughing

Alyssa: besides if it's a boy we gonna have to him from them girls

Me: nah he gonna have all the hoes

Alyssa: aht aht not like his daddy

Me: Woow

Alyssa: I'm just playing babe

Me: either way I want my baby healthy

I grabbed her chip bag

Alyssa: ay give that back

Me: no eat a damn apple or something

She hit me in back and I laughed

Me: love you

Alyssa: love you too
End p.o.v

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