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Tevin p.o.v
I was in my office just reading customers reviews on the shop

Briah: your finally here

Alyssa: yeah I had a long night

Briah; oou you went to the club or something

Alyssa: nah

Alyssa walked past my office to go to the supply area

Me: (coughs) you not gonna say hi to me

She walked back

Alyssa: hi

Me; you know your an hour late right

Alyssa; I'm here ain't I like I said to Briah I had a long night

Me: long night my ass you was with Chris

She ignored me and went back to her station so I followed her

Me; look you like a sister to me.. and that man he ain't right in the head

Briah: yup what if he hurts you

Alyssa: I can defend myself I ain't scared of him

Me: okay whatever you say Alyssa

I went back to my office
End p.o.v
Sorry for a short chapter

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