Chapter Twenty-Seven: One Last Stand

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"One last turn to the sun.
One last walk to the stars.
As evening grows to be morning.
All light must put out their flames.
For the sun will shine for eternity.
And there can only be one who rules."

Rey's POV

As I was guided outside two double doors I noticed the man who called himself my grandfather standing beside a golden throne.

Something sparked from his hands as the dress I wore had turned into white.

My coronation was a wedding?

How cruel of him...knowing I'm a married woman...any sane person wouldn't do this.

I was practically being set up like a lamb to the wolves.

But I couldn't falter...not when Ben's very life was on the line.

"Tell me young one. Are you finally coming back to your senses?"

I had to lie. No matter what I had to.

I had to convince the enemy, my own flesh and much so that he wouldn't dare question my loyalty.

"Yes, grandfather."

And once I had him in the palm of my hand...then all I had to wait for was the right time to strike.

He seemed to smile politely as he lifted out his hand to grab mine.

I wanted so much as to draw back in disgust.

Instead I kept composure, taking his offered hand.

"Very good. I'd like you to meet your soon to be husband."

When I looked around the corner in which my grandfather referred to, the man I was to marry appeared before me...

"This is Darian. One of the most wealthiest and loyal men I know throughout my land. And he'll be your husband who will help reign over this kingdom I am bestowing upon you at this very hour."

My grandfather put my hand to Darian's as we held hands.

"Now let the wedding and crowing begin!"

I couldn't believe this was happening.

Not even a chance to blink an eye and I'm getting married to a total stranger.

At the very least my grandfather could have given respect my time to at least say goodbye properly.

If this was to be my end...I wasn't going to have it.

But I had to remember, the only reason why I'm bearing with it is because of Ben.

This was all for Ben.

I couldn't even look at the man's face in front of me.

If he wasn't Ben I'd have no other.

And he wasn' I would never marry him...not even over my dead body.

He's have to wipe me off the face of the planet and then some to even have me suggest any thing.

I gripped my inner lip with my teeth as I bite down enough to keep me from wondering too far.


Don't let this get to you.

You must find an opening.

Wait and be patient.

"Before we begin, let us bring out our visitor. Or should I say traitor."


And then Ben appeared.

"The man who was originally suppose to bring you to me. The man who fell in love like a lovesick puppy. How I pity you young solider. I expected more from you."

And then with a wave of my grandfather's hand he had struck Ben across the face drawing blood.

Ben spat what blood filled his mouth as he looked only to the floor.

Saying nothing, not even one word in return for my grandfather's cruelty.

"I wonder, did this man you so happened to fall in love with tell you why he even was that prince's bodygaurd?"


I was shocked to say the least...but that didn't mean my affections changed for him.

Even if those were the words Ben was trying to tell me just a while still wouldn't change anything.

"You ought to have wondered at least to how I knew where you were? He gave you away, even after the party. Even after Cordelia, that sweet mother of yours...died right in front of your eyes. You ought to wonder for whose fault that was?" He said nothing more as his gaze fell upon the guilt filled Ben that stood before us.

Guilt had filled every corner and crevice of his face.

Not one time did he meet my gaze.

Why wasn't he even trying to look at me?

He can not be serious?

After everything...after our marriage...

"Wasn't any of it real?" I spoke not even aware of what I had just said.

And then I realized too late that I was actually started to doubt heart feeling crushed and broken.

Hoping to the world that he meant what he said about us both getting out of here together. That he truly loved me like I loved him.

"My feelings for you are and will always be unwavering. But this cannot go on any further...So with that said I'd like to be exiled your majesty." He switched his gaze to my grandfather with tears nonexistent from his eyes.

"For what exactly Kylo Ren? You must tell me why you must be exiled." My grandfather grabbed what was left of Ben's shirt as he spat in his face.

"Tell me!"

"For failing my mission...for falling in love with the woman I was never planning to love. So...please I beg you, just exile me. For that would be worse than death itself."

"Ben." I spoke almost desperately as he looked away.

"Exile him. And be done with it. You all know what to do."

My grandfather waved his hand as if swatting away a fly as he returned his gaze to Darian and I.

"Now, let the ceremony and matrimony begin."

What could I do?

In such a situation as this I was words mattered not in the ears of any of these men that filled the room.

And for the one man who left the room just a few moments ago...the man that was leaving me to be exiled?

It was a sick joke...I wouldn't believe him even if he told me a million times over that he ever wanted to separate...not in a million years would I ever believe him.

Maybe I was weak but right now I had to do what I could in order to not get Ben killed or myself.

Because in honesty I didn't want any sacrifice that had been made for us to go up in flames and in vain just because one of us was trying to protect the other in the most dumbest way possible.

I didn't want my love to be something that even Ben tried to wipe off his sleeve.

I was going to be stubborn in my ways on keeping to him as his wife and friend.

Because not only was I that to him, but he was also and is the most precious person to me right now.

If he were to leave permanently...what would have been my point in living any longer?

...If Ben wasn't going to be in my life.

𝔐𝔶 𝔉𝔞𝔦𝔯 𝔏𝔞𝔡𝔶 (ℜ𝔢𝔶𝔩𝔬 𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔣𝔦𝔠)Where stories live. Discover now