Chapter Tweleve: Benevolence

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"No Beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart."
- Unknown

/Inspired Song: Quen A Omagen/ Erutan/

Ben's POV

I open my eyes from the sound of birds fluttering from the outside window.

A distant instrument being played sounded in my ears as my fuzzy senses started to come back to me.

I glanced over the area I was in to remember where I was.

The fire from the fireplace had gone out with smoke still wafering, almost invisible, from it.

The torches that were once lit around the area of the library were also put out.

When I went to face where Rey was I expected my eyes to land upon a peacefully sleeping maiden.

But instead a vacant space was filled where she had once been.

I got up a bit weary from just being awake from a deep sleep.

Once I gained my ground again and situated myself I followed the distant instrument being played as it gave a slight echoing sound.

As I got closer a clear but soft voice sang words of an unknown tongue.

It sounded celtic but I was only guessing.

I sat quietly, allowing myself to hear the rest of her song before clearing my throat.

I did not wish to startle her. But some part of me wanted to for humors sake.

She sat back in surprise as her cheeks reddened as a rose.

I tried my best to keep back a chuckle.

"Did you hear all that?"

"Yes I did. It was delightful to hear."

"Mm. Thank you." She settled her instrument beside her, combing stray flowers from her hair.

"Why do you remove your flowers? They are quite pretty on you."

"Oh...the other ladies in the court think me ridiculous for doing so. Wearing flowers in my hair is apparently very distraught in the eyes of them."

"Do what your heart tells you not what others think or say of you." I picked off a well bloomed  flower from its stem, making my way toward Rey.

Once I had placed the flower behind her ear it had complimented her roasted chestnut hair so well I almost couldn't breath.

"There, you look stunning Malady." I bowed, earning a soft laugh from her.

"Well thank you kind Sir."

"My pleasure." As I sat beside her I tried my best to bring up the question I wished to ask.

"So. You speak and know of another tongue? Celtic is it?"

"Yes I think so. It's a lullaby that has always been there. I don't know who taught it to me, I was too little to remember much."

"It's a beautiful song although I have no idea what the words are."

"Me neither. Sadly we don't have books that would teach the Celtic language here. Trust me I looked and searched for days once. But nothing it seems. But no worries, I've long past my wanting of finding out what that lullaby ment...even the person who sang it to me."

"Perhaps once we leave this place, in time, we could travel to where you could learn it and maybe even find who sang it to you." I suggested.

"As much as I wish to know I'd prefer not. Some things are better left a mystery. But I do appreciate the offer of learning."

𝔐𝔶 𝔉𝔞𝔦𝔯 𝔏𝔞𝔡𝔶 (ℜ𝔢𝔶𝔩𝔬 𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔣𝔦𝔠)Where stories live. Discover now