Chapter Five: Tells of the Past

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Ben's POV

After the commotion with the prince he finally came to his senses to calm down.

He was still a brat but he did have his times of having common sense.

"I do not apologize for what I have done. Do you understand this Gerald." I spoke sharply.

He only looked at me in hate.

"If you weren't so dangerous and so helpful to me I would have killed you." He spoke in bitterness.

"Not if I would have beaten you to it young prince."

A held my glare to him, making sure he knew I was serious.

His hand went through his blonde hair as he looked at me tiredly.

"My anger gets the best of me. But I do not apologize for outraging at that girl's foul acts of speech towards me."

"She has done nothing. You only made a fool of yourself today. And again, she is not yours to touch so do not dare try it."

He knew exactly what I meant, backing away a bit.

"I don't need her anyways. She'll only be trouble for me and anyways I have other ladies that await me. I must take my leave. Make sure they stay in line or next time I won't be so nice."

"Then you best watch your speech and things will be better then they were this morning."

He, with great difficulty, nodded right after leaving with his arms wrapped around two young girls.

What a child he was. Countess Cordelia was right to say he needed to grow up.

Only if his parents could see him, they'd send him right back to learn some more until he was truly ready.

Or even have a personal tutor.

I adjusted myself before taking my horse outside the castle and into the woods.

I needed to think...clear my mind.

In front of many, out of protecting Lady Rey, I had confessed my feelings and I had not planned on it at all.

So now even the fool of a prince knows of my fancy to her as well as the whole royal court.

But I was bound to protecting her even if she did not wish it.

She had almost no one here only her mother.

No one was there to protect her from men like the prince.

And even though she wanted her freedom and most likely wanted to be gone from this place...I wanted her to know that I could give that to her.

But my only hurdle to loving her was if she'd take me for even my faults as much as she may think me kind.

It will be hard for her I assume.

Not many knew of my brutal past. And those who did knew me very well to understand and forgive me.

The sun started to set, leaving the lands to shift to its nightly form.

Leaves lightly scraped around the cement pathway to the castle as a small gust of wind swam by.

Clouds rolled in.

I clicked for my house to go on with a gallop, trying to reach the castle before it started to pour.

After settling my horse down in the stables it started to rain.

I put my dark cloak on before exiting the stables to go inside the castle.

𝔐𝔶 𝔉𝔞𝔦𝔯 𝔏𝔞𝔡𝔶 (ℜ𝔢𝔶𝔩𝔬 𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔣𝔦𝔠)Where stories live. Discover now