Chapter Seventeen: Thicker Than Blood

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Love pours like rain,
It doesn't stop, it's always constant
Just as my love is for you.
And my love for you will never change
Nor will it stop.

-Written by me \(^o^)/

Ben's POV

I was planning to sleep but I couldn't. Not when my mind was so wrapped around the thought of wanting to be by Rey's side.

I understood Cordelia's commands and recommendations...but my heart yearned for her.

By not being able to be by Rey's side, at the moment was a bit aching for my heart...I had to do something to get my mind off of all this.

That is...until I was able to be with her see her gentle gaze once more.

I made my way to the court yard, entering the castle's garden.

When I looked up I became startled by Cordelia.

At that moment I couldn't tell whether it was just the cold gust of wind that had just ran passed or the sudden presence of Cordelia that shook me out of my boots.

But really, she's mighty fast for her age, I had just left Rey's quarters a few minutes ago.

"Pardon, I did not realize you were here." I spoke in respect.

"I wanted to speak with you." Her voice was cool and collected unlike mine.

I calmed done my nerves before I spoke with her.

"What is it you wish to speak about?"

"Rey, of course. What else?"

Was I suppose to answer?

"Uh...the weeeaatherr?" I was quite hesitant on my answer as she looked at me with disappointment.

"I was only being sarcastic, now sit. We have much to talk about."

As I sat at her side she told me everything.

She told me who Rey really was.

She told me everything from the time she met Rey's parents to now.

She had spoke of Rey's parents being assassinated on the day of Rey's fifth birthday. 

Supposedly, by what Cordelia had explained to me, that day Rey's parents were gone for good was when her subconscious was wiped clean of that day's memory.

Either that or she was too young to remember.

I was assuming it was a little of both.

I was told her grandfather wanted her to take over his wealth and power, eventually.

He wanted such a thing because Rey was the last family heir, he wanted her to marry a man who would finally grant them their family fortune, which was something he had been wanting all his life.

And the thought struck me like an arrow to the heart as she spoke of all this...the attack on the town was no accident.

General Hux was given orders under a well known and very influenced rich man named Palpatine. He was well among old and possibly ready to pass at any moment.

That could explain why he was looking for Rey so recklessly now.

I felt rage boil inside of me just as much as the feeling of shock was also present.

"Captain? You look pale, is everything ok? Is this too much for you?"

"'s just...The accident was no accident in the town. They planned it, Palpatine planned all of this...that son of a motherless goat will pay for what he has done..." I clenched my fist so much that my knuckles turned white.

𝔐𝔶 𝔉𝔞𝔦𝔯 𝔏𝔞𝔡𝔶 (ℜ𝔢𝔶𝔩𝔬 𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔣𝔦𝔠)Where stories live. Discover now