Chapter 12

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"Here we are," he says, stopping in front of my house. He helps me get the groceries while I unlock the front door. I take the cake from his hands and put it into the fridge, and place the vegetables and chicken on the kitchen counter. He asks what I'm making when he sees me washing the vegetables and slicing the chicken. I tell him I'm making my favorite 10-minute meal, or just my favorite meal in general, chicken stir fry. He seems really concerned about me because he asks if I'm okay and why I've been so quiet.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply, heating up the pan. "Do you want me to cook it? I can cook pretty well" he tells me. I raise a brow. "You think you can cook better than me don't you?" I say jokingly. He laughs and grabs the pan from my hand, and pours some oil on it. "Just watch" he expertly swirls the pan around to spread the oil evenly. "You know you really shouldn't challenge someone in their home when they have a knife right next to them" I say as a joke, holding the knife out in front of him. He laughs again, and puts the chicken and vegetables into the pan with some salt. "You would really kill someone who gave you a ride home?" He asks, frying the food with the pan in his left hand and a spatula in his right. I shake my head placing the weapon down and reaching into the bottom drawer to get out a plate.

After transferring the food out of the pan and getting out some utensils, he suddenly asks if I have wine at home. I don't know why I'm so shocked. I'm 19, so I can drink. "I'm not sure, maybe?" I say, shrugging my shoulders. Where would mum even keep the wine? I was pretty convinced that she had a safe for these kind of things just so I can't get my hands on them until Alfie pulls out a bottle of red wine from one of the taller cabinets. I really overestimated my mum. But it makes sense since I am pretty short. I always thought that my first drink would be in a club with friends I made in university, and not with a guy who I've barely met, locked up in my house with me. But that's just life I guess. I should really start getting used to expecting the unexpected.

After a couple glasses of wine, more than I intended if I'm being completely honest, I get a little too into it. Who knew drinking was so addictive? I start drinking one glass after another like there is no tomorrow. Maybe it is the sadness that is fueling this, or just the alcohol in my system from my previous 5 glasses. I see Alfie slowly drinking his second glass and I tell him to loosen up a bit and drink with me. I didn't even know one could get drunk on wine, but I guess I proved myself wrong.

I'm clearly drunk because I get up and run to the fridge where the cake was, bringing the wine and my glass with me.

"Look at this cake. I bought this only because it represented our first meeting. You must think I'm so stupid." I say, removing the plastic lid covering the cake. I hate that even when I'm drunk, the memories I had of him were so persistent. "Here's to falling for a guy you've only met thrice" I pour myself another glass of wine. At this point, I've totally lost count of how many glasses I've had.

I sit down in front of the cake and grab a fork, eating it bit by bit. At least one part of my night went as I had planned. I see that Alfie has walked over and is standing in front of me, so I offer him some cake. He hesitates, but picks up a fork to eat it with me anyways. I start telling him about Isaiah, and how absolutely heartbroken I felt when I saw him together with another girl. Though I wasn't in love with him, it hurt. Who knew that even with only slight feelings, the pain could hurt like hell. If this was the pain I was feeling now, then I never wish to fall in love. I know that I'm drunk as I'm thinking of this, but aren't drunk words the most true?

"I know it doesn't even make sense that I am this upset over this guy who I'm practically a stranger to, but I can't help it." I say, stuffing my face with wine and cake, alternating between the two. "Okay Ellie, that's enough wine for today" Alfie tells me, grabbing the bottle of wine from my weak grasp. "Why? I thought things were going really well between us. Did I do something wrong?" I say, starting to cry. Alfie hugs me comfortingly and tells me everything is going to be okay. I look up, and maybe the alcohol took over, but I grab his face and kiss him. It doesn't take long before he pulls away. "You're drunk, Ellie" he says. I don't reply, my mind too mushy and foggy to give a proper answer. Anyways, whatever that comes out of my mouth is probably just the wine talking. He carries me up to my room and covers me with a blanket. I assume he leaves me to sleep alone since I was able to roll around freely on my bed.

After a few more minutes of crying, and turning around, I fall into a deep intoxicated sleep.

I had experienced way too many firsts today.

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