Chapter 38

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I don't bother to tell Alfie about my mum's decision to sell the store since there is no changing her mind. He will likely also tell me that she has a reason for making such a decision and I should look on the bright side which I do not want to listen to. Anyways, there is no "bright side" for me to look at in this situation. I do tell him about the engagement party because I am not sure if I should attend or not. On one hand, I don't want to ruin this relationship I have with my mother, but on the other hand, I am so angry at her that I'm not sure I will be able to make it through the entire party without starting a fight with her.

"I think we should go. If you feel like leaving halfway I can always just drive you home," he suggests. After some thought, I decide to go and at least make an appearance.

"So what are you going to wear?" He asks me the day before the party. I already saw what he is intending to wear since he chose his outfit like four days ago. On the other hand, I don't care about what I am wearing. After all, I am not going to stay for very long unless I want a literal war to break out.

"I have no idea" I tell him. I could just wear one of the dresses I already have at home. I think my mum has a dress code, but I do not intend on following it.

"We should go shopping for your outfit tomorrow!" He says. I shake my head, in no mood to shop. "Come on, I assure you that it'll be fun," he pleads. "Ugh, fine. This better not take long" I finally give in.

He drives us to the mall, his hand on my thighs throughout the entire drive. Something the both of us has gotten used to. He opens the door for me, like a gentleman as always, and holds my hand as we brave the mall together. We see this really cute store that mainly sells dresses and decided to shop there.

"Here, try this. I think you'll look stunning in it, not that you don't already look beautiful," he hands me an off the shoulder floral dress that reaches my ankles. I roll my eyes and decide to humor him and try it on for him. He sits on the chair that's in front of my dressing cubicle waiting for me to show him the dress.

After putting the dress on, I take a good look in the mirror. I definitely look different , but in a really good way. All my dresses or skirts are so plain and casual that putting something like this on made me feel... amazing. I flatten the skirt at the front of the dress and adjust the shoulder sleeves before opening the door to show him the outfit. As soon as he sees me in the dress, he gasps. "You look...I can't even find the words to describe it." He says, and I chuckle. His reaction made trying this dress on so much more worth it.

"What do you think? Should I try on more?" I smile and ask, moving the skirt around. He quickly gets up and leaves. "Definitely try on more," I hear him say as I laugh. He comes back with what looks like five other dresses. I take them all willingly and try them on one by one. I put on the second dress that is a light coral color with a longer skirt at the back and is shorter in the front that really shows off my figure. I show it to him and he claps, making me laugh even harder. I dramatically close the door and throw on the third dress which is light blue with a long flowy skirt that drags across the floor slightly. This dress really made me feel like a princess. I walk out to show him and see his hands full of tiaras and accessories.

"I think we should add a little more sparkle," he says as he places a small tiara onto my head. "Gorgeous," he whispers, and I giggle. I twirl around to show him the dress and he just looks at me with a smile on his face. With each and every dress that I put on, I felt like a different person. I was so happy, and so confident. It's been a long time that I had so much fun.

"This is the last dress! Brace yourself!" I tease him. "I'm ready" He says. I put the last dress on and it's a beautiful pale yellow dress that has sleeves reaching my elbows, a similar flowy skirt as the blue dress, and a subtle floral print at the very bottom of the skirt. This particular dress seems so... familiar. It reminds me of the yellow dress I wore when I went to the amusement park with him. I take one look at myself in the mirror and I see the uncanny resemblance to myself. But not myself today, myself months ago. She reminds me so much of the girl that was so innocent, so naïve, the girl who hung onto the love so much so that she almost drowned in it.

I open the door to show him this final dress and he is speechless. "This is the one Ellie." I move the skirt around and smile. "You think so?" I ask, to which he nods. He then buys me the dress even though I insisted on paying for it myself.

When I reach home, I take the yellow dress out from my closet. A little part of the girl I saw in the mirror of the store earlier is still in me, whether I want to admit it or not. I let her take over for a while, and hug the dress close to my heart.

I may be on the road to forgetting him, but there are still some memories that I don't think I will ever let go of.

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