Chapter 24

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                            ELLIE JONES

Today is going to be a good day, I can feel it. Isaiah had told me that he would be picking me up today but refused to tell me where he's taking me. Mum also said she could handle the store today, which is a nice surprise.

It's now almost 11, and I'm currently getting ready. I'm not really sure what to wear since I have no idea where we're going. I pick out a sleeveless red dress that hugs my slim figure with some glitter that goes just below my knee and put it in front of my body in front of the mirror. Too much. I place it back in the closet and pick out a second outfit. This time it's much more casual. I place the yellow shirt in front of my chest with the denim jeans in front of my legs. Too casual. I place it back. I've never thought this much about what to wear. I finally pick out a nice simple yellow dress with cap sleeves that is slightly longer than my first red dress. Can you tell that yellow is my favourite colour? I curl my hair to perfection and choose a white tote to go with my clothes, and place my essentials in it.

The familiar horn of Isaiah's classic black car causes me to jump, and I rush out of the house.

"You said you wanted to get to know one another better first right?" He leans out of the car window, his right arm resting on it.

"Yes?" I wasn't exactly sure where he is going with this.

"Get in then" I jump into the passenger seat and buckle up my seatbelt. "So, are you going to tell me where we're going? Or will I have to guess the entire ride?" I ask. He starts to drive, only giving me a smirk as a response. Looks like I'll be guessing.

We approach the mystery place and I see what looks like a roller coaster?

"An amusement park?" I ask, wide-eyed. I can't remember the last time that I've visited an amusement park.

"You said that I'm the thrill of your life, so what better way to experience real thrill than an amusement park?" He says, driving into the parking lot. I never even thought that he would remember that I said that, or even cared. This getting to know you better thing we are experimenting on is really showing me a side of him I wasn't even aware of, and I really like what I'm seeing.

I get out of the car and he gestures to hold his hand. "Come on, just for today" he says, his hand still held out for me. I roll my eyes, but I'm actually screaming and jumping internally.

"Let's take the roller coaster," he suggests. "I don't know, they aren't really selling me on this," I say, referring to the high pitched screams of the riders. I'm not sure if it's because of pure fear or just the adrenaline. Probably the fear.

"You can just hold onto my arm if you're scared," he says, semi-dragging me towards the ride. Live a little, I can hear my subconscious tell me. "Fine, but only once!" I say to him, following him to the queue.

After a long 20 minute queue, we finally get on. I'm suddenly regretting my outfit choice as the only thing holding my light skirt down is the safety harness. Should have stuck with the casual outfit today. It definitely feels more real when I'm actually sitting on the ride itself. I look over to Isaiah and instead of the look of fear that I'm sure is plastered all over my face, I see a look of excitement. He looks to me, as if feeling my eyes on him, and tells me that it's going to be fun. Although I'm not sure about that. I hold onto whatever I can, bracing myself for the speed ahead.

"Is it too late to back out now?" I shout, holding on for dear life as I feel the ride start. I don't even have time to calm myself down because as soon as the words leave my mouth, my heart leaves my chest at how fast it's going. The ride accelerates and I hear him shout, "Way too late!" Like the people before me, I close my eyes screaming my lungs out, while I can hear him faintly laughing. How nice.

The beginning of the ride was scary, and scary can't even begin to explain the fear I felt. I later feel the fear die down and it's slowly replaced with pure exhilaration. Adrenaline is pumping throughout my body, the feeling of letting go of fear is truly calamity at its best. I start to open my eyes and actually enjoy it. The ride slows down to a comforting pace, indicating that it's coming to an end. When it finally stops, I feel myself wanting to go again. Despite the fear, I want more.

Isn't this so strikingly similar to my relationship with Isaiah? At the beginning there were so many ups and downs, and I'm not going to lie, there were several moments where I felt not just sad, but scared. After we got past these perpetual bumps, I could feel the excitement of just being with him. Finally, towards the end, even though I've just been through a literal roller coaster of emotions, I still want to go again. And I will go again and again and again with no regrets.

I hear him laugh at the end of the ride as we get off and I laugh along with him. I've heard him giggle, I've heard him scoff, I've heard him chuckle, I've heard him snicker, but I've never truly heard him laugh. It is nice to see him slowly open up to me.

"See it wasn't so bad was it?" He says, holding my slightly shaky hands. I shake my head and brush my hair back, my curls now a mess. He then shows me around the park and I spot a Carousel. I figured that since he just made me take what was the scariest ride of my life, I should be able to ask him to take this ride with me.

"Ellie it's a ride for children," he complains as I pull his arm toward the Carousel. "Don't be ridiculous! Come on, I'll let you choose which horse you want first," I laugh.

"Okay fine, I pick the black one. It's the most decent looking," he finally gives up his struggle. I pick a white horse that's next to his, and he helps me get up before getting onto his own horse.

"Can we do some of the getting to know you thing now?" I ask, hugging the metal pole that went through the horse. "Okay, what do you want to know?" He questions, leaning his head onto the pole while staring at me.

I think long and hard about my question, not wanting to ask one that would ruin his mood. We were having such a blast after all, and I didn't want anything, especially my mouth, to get in the way of it.

"Why'd you choose to study business?" It wasn't the most interesting question, but I did want to know if he had any ambitions. "I have no idea. Nothing else really interested me, so I just chose the next best thing," he replies. "What do you like to do then. Like hobbies," I ask again. He thinks about it for a while before telling me that he plays the piano. I never would have imagined that his hobby was actual playing an instrument. It was hard for me to even picture him playing any instrument, let alone what I would believe to be the most romantic one of all time.

"Will you play for me one day?" I face him. He smiles and nods, "You know I will Ellie."

We've now been on at least five different rides, with some being childish rides that I'd chosen, and others being rides that were determined to test my fears. I'm surprised my voice is still working after all the screaming I'd done in just one day.

"Let's take a picture together!" I drag him over to this cute little Photo Booth. He groans as I pull him inside. I've always wanted to take cute pictures with my... boyfriend. Okay he's not my boyfriend, he's a boy friend, but it's nice to give my heart that little bit of satisfaction and happiness. "Come on! It'll be fun," I tell him as I insert a few coins. I tell him to do a silly pose first and we both just stick our tongues out. A little unoriginal, but that's fine by me. "Okay let's do a normal one where we're just smiling this time," he suggest. Boring. I lean in towards him and we give our biggest smiles. "Okay last one let's just surprise one another," I say as I think of what pose to do, I feel him kiss my cheeks. That was our last picture. We wait patiently and in anticipation for our pictures and as soon as they print out, we grab them and turn them over. "Your face looks so stupid!" I laugh looking at his silly pose, and he laughs along.

After that crazy but fun experience, we buy two hotdogs and sit on one of the benches to eat. I rested my head on his shoulder and we eat in silence, admiring the peace between us. He took out the pictures we just took and we laughed just looking at them.

It was a simple dinner, and even simpler day, but it really was one of the best days I've had in a long time, and I'm glad it was with him.

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