Chapter 39

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The next day is the engagement party and the way I see my mum running around getting ready, it almost looks like today is here wedding day. I mean if she is this anxious about how her hair, makeup and dress looks today, I don't even want to imagine nerves she will feel on her actual wedding day.

I have another 30 minutes to get ready since Alfie told me he'll pick my up at 12:30 so we can make it on time for the party at 1:00.

I put my dress on and tie my hair up into a simple yet elegant low bun. I have never really put any makeup on before, so I put on what I would consider to be little to no make up, and finish the look off with some lip gloss. I grab a white clutch and leave when I hear the doorbell ring.

"Hi," I say when I see Alfie at the door. He's wearing a black and white suit, pretty standard for a guy. He holds his hand out which I take, and leads me to the car.

"You know that you don't have to stay the entire time if you don't want to. You can just let me know when you want to leave and I'll bring you home," he tells me, his fingers moving the steering wheel effortlessly while his left hand rests on my thigh.

"I know," I tell him, glancing over before looking out of the window.

When we reach, he helps me out. I must admit, the venue is beautiful. The tall glass windows that surrounds the room extend all the way to the ceiling, allowing all the natural light to enter. I walk over to the table where the food and drinks are and grab a glass of champagne. It is a party after all, and if I want to get through at least an hour with my mum and Joe, then I definitely my dose of alcohol. Alfie takes a glass well and tells me to go over to congratulate the couple. He holds me hand and we walk over to where my mum is.

"Congratulations!" He says, giving my mum a hug. "Yeah, congratulations mum," I say softly. She gives me a light nod and smile before walking away to greet some other guests. I can spot a bald man with thick black rectangular glasses who can only be Joe walking over from the corner of my eye so I take another sip of champagne.

"Hello. You must be Alfie? Claire told me all about you and Ellie," Joe says to Alfie. Of course my mum would tell Joe about my relationship. Joe turns to me and gives me a smile. I think he can sense my unwillingness to be there as much as my mum can.

"So did your mum tell you about the store ?" He asks me. He has no right to bring up my mum selling the store or even speak of it. The store has nothing to do with him, and I'm glad.

"I'm glad she decided to sell it. It has always just been useless, just sitting there for years never making any money. It took much convincing to finally get her to sell it, but she eventually gave in," he laughs out after noticing how quiet I had been the entire time. So it was his idea to sell it? And my mum just followed along with his decision?

"How dare you even speak of that place. That place is like my second home. My dad left it for my mum. There's memories of my childhood in that place, and you're just selling it without a second thought? How greedy can you be?" He has some nerve laughing about it too. My mum must have heard my outburst because she comes over almost immediately.

"I thought we talked this through Ellie?" She says, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Talked this through? When have we talked this through. You only told me about it but we never talked about it or discussed it. You made the decision without me and with him. A person who knows nothing about the store and the importance behind it," I shrug her hands off my shoulders. I am beyond angry. I'm disappointed. She dismissed my pleas to keep the store so easily and so quickly yet when Joe asks her to sell the store, she does it.

"Don't do this here," she says sternly. I scoff, is she really going to give me a lecture here? "Don't worry mum, I'm not staying. You can sell the store and you can be with Joe. I don't care anymore. Live a happy life. Do whatever you want. But if you think that our relationship will ever be the same after this, think again. You chose him over me. You chose to listen to him instead of me, and I'm sick of it." I say, drinking the last of the champagne and placing it on the table before leaving.

I walk out, not knowing where I am going, but I keep walking anyways. I feel someone grab my wrist and turn me around, holding me in their arms. I lean my head into the familiar chest and let out all my tears that I've been keeping inside.

"It's okay," he holds my head.

As I settle into his arms, I can only cry.

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