I Hate Myself (Part-1)

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3rd pov :

After all the apologising and forgiving, we see our protagonist standing up from his bed and started removing the bandages on his body, then there was knock on the door.

Hazen : Come in.

Then he sees Shuna coming inside with some clothes for him but immediately got a nosebleed by seeing his athletic built body full of scars. She immediately tried to stop the nosebleed but couldn't stop blushing.

Shuna : L-lord Hazen i have brought some clothes for you. Hope you like it.

Hazen : Thanks Shuna-chan and call me Hazen, i don't like these honerriffic coming out of a family memebers.

He said with a cheeky smile on his face, which Shuna saw and was nearly about to faint but she caught herself. Then gave him his clothes and said.

Shuna : O-ok, then you should wear it, lord Rimuru is in his office with others discussing about something.

Hazen : Ok, thanks for informing me. Then let me change and i will go see what he's doing.

Rimuru's office :

Rimuru was on his chair looking right in front of him. On his right there was Shion who decided to be his secretory and in the room all the kijins were present except Shuna, with Rigurd as well standing with the Kijins.

Rimuru : Alright then let's start the meeting.

Before he could start Rigurd raised his hand for question and asked.

Rigurd : Lord Rimuru, if i may ? What are we going to discuss about in this meeting ?

The other agreed as well for the question and looked towards Rimuru for answer.

Rimuru : We are going to talk about my big brother Hazen.

Rimuru said in a serious voice and the others were confused but the kijins were thinking that maybe he wants to punish them because Hazen didn't. But it was not the case.

Rimuru : It's about Hazen staying in this Village.

Now all the others were shocked by what he said about Hazen staying in the village and Shion asked.

Shion : W-what do m-mean lord Rimuru!? Is Lord Hazen leaving us!?

Rimuru : Yes and no. He's not leaving us but i going to send him to Dwargen where he can live after this. And i have already talked about this with king Gazel and he agreed.

Everyone present in the room were shocked to say the least to why he is abandoning him.

Benimaru : But why lord Rimuru!?
Why are you sending him away from the village!?

Rimuru's hair coverd his eyes and said.

Rimuru : Because he's weak. We are attracting many enemy towards us and they are getting stronger and stronger. But Hazen doesn't possess any skill or magicules so he can't become strong enough to defend himself because he's useless at this point.

His words just exploded like a boom. All of them were shocked to no point. But some agreed that he is indeed weak and he can live normaly in Dwargon peacefully. So after some discussion they agreed but Hakuro and Shion were a little hesitant but agreed non the less. Hakuro took some time for his answer because he saw Hazen fighting and admitted that his swordskill and fighting styles were amazing but he thought that maybe Hazen should live a normal life because he doesn't have any power to defend himself from strong opponents.

That time I got reincarnated as a Human ? (OC/Male reader x Rimuru) Where stories live. Discover now