The Sacrifice

774 26 8

() : Talking
("") : Thinking

NOTICE : All images and videos used in this chapter are not owned by me please support the original creater.

WARNING : There might be some spoilers from the light novel or Manhwa, so be careful and think before you read.


Aurther's pov :

We see Hazen standing infront of the Evil version of Rimuru. He was shocked to say the least but angry as well. Evil Rimuru then started leavitating and went beside Mujin who looked at Hazen with a smirk on his face. He knew that Hazen was not someone to take lightly so he decided to use one of his lovers against him and came across Rimuru. Without her or others noticing, he first sealed her Skills so Ciel wouldn't be able to warn her, after that he separated Ciel so she cannot help her to gain her control back. After that, manipulating her mind was a child's play for him.

Hazen knew that the real Rimuru was still in there but to bring her back he have to separate her doppelganger from her body.

Meanwhile :

Mori was literally shaking with anger, how dare Mujin use a cheap trick like that!? He tried his best to not just go there and kick him in his jewels. But, then he realised that Ciel wasn't in Rimuru's body, so he tried to find her and after some time he saw that she and many of Rimuru's comrades were sealed inside a pocket demension. The Supreme One may have told him not to interfere in their fight but they didn't said that he couldn't help others. He then teleported to them and saw everyone unconscious inside the pocket demension.

He then teleported all of them back in Tempest and forcefully woke up Ciel. When she did, he told her everything that's happening and told her to go help Hazen but don't let the others go there. She nodded and teleported as close as she can to Hazen. Who was trying his best to not let the rage consume him again. Because if he went Berserk again, then he will die and Luna will get separated from him as well and he can't let that happen.

Hazen then used Total concentration breathing constant in order to stop the bleeding which worked but not much. Mujin on the other hand was laughing at Hazen's condition and said.

Mujin : Haha, look at you right now. You can't do anything. You can't even save your lover from me and you expect yourself to be able to protect the others as well ? How pathetic. You should've just accepted my offer. We could change the world for all-

Hazen : Are you done with this stupid chit-chat of yours!? Let me tell you one thing Mujin Park, I serve No-one. Try as much as you want, i will never join you!!

Hazen said with venom in his voice, but Mujin didn't care. He was confident that he has already won, until he saw Ciel appearing right behind Hazen.

Hazen looked behind and saw Ciel, who looks just like Rimuru but with red eyes.

Hazen looked behind and saw Ciel, who looks just like Rimuru but with red eyes

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That time I got reincarnated as a Human ? (OC/Male reader x Rimuru) Where stories live. Discover now