The Ultimate Battle(Part-1)

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() : Talking
("") : Thinking

NOTICE : All images and videos used in this chapter are not owned by me please support the original creater.

WARNING : There might be some spoilers from the light novel or Manhwa, so be careful and think before you read.

Flashback:- (Author's pov ):

We see both Hazen and Horizon floating in space looking at a Red gaint star that is about to turn into a super nova in few minutes. Both of them are waiting for it to happen with patience.

While they were waiting patiently for the star to go Super Nova, a question suddenly pops in Hazen's head, which made him turn his head towards Horizon who was floating right beside him and said.

Hazen : Hey Horizon, i wanna ask you something.

Horizon turned his attention towards Hazen and said.

Horizon : And what would that be my Champion ?

Hazen then suddenly gained a serious look and said.

Hazen : You said that your are preparing me for a battle, one which i am not ready for. Who is this person who, you want me to prepare to fight ?

Horizon hums knowing that it's time to finnally tell him about this person as he said.

Horizon : The star still has atleast 10 minutes before it explodes, so we have some time to discuss. Now listen carefully.

Hazen paid full attention to what he was going to say as Horizon started.

Horizon : As you know that i am the true Creator of the world you know as Tensura and also the one who brought you in this world after your death, while Veldenava is stated to be the creator, but the truth is that he was just a small part of my power which was separated from me in the Void. I was born Eons before i created the Void in Tensura. I am stated to be the first dragon in existence, but the truth is, that there was one before me. The One Dragon who was in existence from Quadrillions of years before me.

The dragon of Death and Eternity, Eiji.

Hazen was shocked to hear that there was a Dragon before Horizon, who(Horizon) is the true Creator of Tensura. But the question was, why Horizon was preparing him to fight him and where is he now as he asked that to Horizon who said.

Horizon : The reason why I am preparing you to fight him is because, you are the only one who stands a chance against him if prepared enough. You see my Champion, Eiji is a evil dragon. He loves seeing people in pain and despair. It brings him pleasure. He wanted nothing but destruction all around him. It went to the point that many Supreme Deities had to interfere and stop him, if not all existence would have been turned into Nothingness. But the power he possessed was far too much even for Supreme Deities. He killed Hundreds if not, probably Thousands of them.

The Supreme Deities knew that they can't kill him, so they decided to seal him away until they find a way to finally kill him in future. Atleast 39 Supreme Deities were required to seal him while 20 of them kept him distracted.

At last, he was sealed in a 4 Dimensional cube which contains all infinite dimensions within itself and teleported inside a Massive Void (Supreme Void) where all concepts and laws falls apart. The Supreme Deities knew that he will awaken once again, so they made a decision to find the strongest mortal in their own worlds, one who is atleast a 5th Limit breaker. And that's where you came to be, my Champion. You are the only 5th Limit breaker seen till now. We almost lost all hope when we found out that the seal placed on Eiji was getting weaker.

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