subrry denial*

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Wc: 748

"Please, please let me." The whimper echoed in the room, her fist wrapped around his slick cock. Harry was working on hour 3 of being denied his orgasm, his lover practicing a plethora of things that drove the man crazy. His hands skillfully bound and locked over his head, the silk sheets a mess around him.

"Dunno if you deserve it, pet." Her coo was a bit condescending, clicking her tongue at him as she watched him in his glory. A sheen of sweat over his body, face and chest flushed with the arousal he felt and frustration. His angled jaw tilted up and clenched as he tried his best to be a good boy. Harry needed to be a good boy for her. That's the thing he loved the most.

A whine of frustration came from his throat when she squeezed her hand around the base of his cock. A pretty plug nestled in between his cheeks and filling up his hole only added to his pleasure. He felt fuller than normal, his balls aching as he had the combination of sensations and the filthy squelch of her soaked hand stroking up and down just as she knew he liked it.

"I... please, I jus' Wanna cum. Hurts."

She didn't doubt that either. Getting brought to the edge over and over was probably a bit painful but it only made the end result so much better. Her eyes narrowed, taking in the strands of hair sticking to his face and man's lips which were poured and swollen. Wet from biting on them, and the chin still slick with her own cum. She herself had gotten off twice, once on his cock and the next riding his tongue and making him take it.

"Yeah, it hurts, baby?" She cooed softly again, speeding up her hand. Harry's mouth dropped open as he felt her tight hand working up and down over his swollen cock. The tip red and leaking, absolutely filthy scene of it peeking out of her hand when she got to the top and worked back down again. Fizzing arousal went up his spine. The sound made him shudder when she leaned over and spit thickly on to the length, smirking up at him. A pathetic groan left the red lips, seeing his lover trying to milk him.

"Does baby boy want to cum? Make such a pretty mess with that big load, all over that precious tummy? Over my fist?" A gentle kiss was placed to the slit of his cock, tongue peeking out to catch some of the dribbling arousal.

"Yes! Yes- please, let me cum. I'm being good.... I'm good, I promise. It hurts so good." He babbled. "Need t'cum. I'll make a good mess f'you... let me..." his pleads sounded so good to her ears. Feeling how badly he wanted it, knowing she was going to make him incredibly happy.

Her hand went to the plug, slightly tugging on it to make him gasp and pushing it back in. "Oh... I see. You think you've been a good boy? That you deserve to cum and make a mess? Will you clean yourself up? Because I don't feel like doing it today. I'll want you to lick it off my fingers instead." Her tease was a sigh, shaking her head as if contemplating. As if it would be a problem for him.

His mouth watered at the idea of her feeding him his own cum. He loved it dirty, loved when she was a little mean and shoved her cum coated fingers in his mouth and made him suck them clean... maybe even gag a bit. "I'll do it! I'll... yeah, I'll clean it up, I want to. Just... fuck." He slipped in, eyes rolling back as his hips jerked up into her hand at the feeling of her mouth taking the tip into it. Fingers playing with the plug and stretching his hole. He was so wrecked he could feel himself panting, so close to cumming.

"M'gonna cum. I'm gonna cum, please let me... fuck, I'm cum-" he felt the white hot pleasure shooting through him, balls throbbing and cock jerking as his orgasm approached- and then it was gone.

All contact removed, Y/N sitting up on her knees with a slight smirk. He let out a quiet sob, hips bucking into the air in frustration at the lost orgasm.

"Mmm.... I don't think you deserve it. And M'not done yet, pet.

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