Mean dom!professor H*

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Anonymous asked:
Older uni professor H punishing his younger wife Y/N who also happens to be his student coz she wore some revealing attire to the class which attracted the guys' attention and wasn't paying enough attention to the class and being a mean dom. Also can we get a sir/professor kink here please 🥺🙏🏻


TW: humilation, gagging, mean dom h, mention of sexual activity with someone besides reader, anal mention, spanking, rough :) hehe

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"I don't remember asking for my girl to come in dressed like a whore."

Y/N was trembling in anticipation as she was harshly bent over Harry's desk. Her lover was coincidentally, also her professor, and she had majorly poked the beast by coming in to class in a tight, lower cut outfit and deliberately flirting during class. He already had called her out during class, which had her cunt dripping in her panties, but the way he had grabbed her by the hair as soon as they were in the office had made her moan.

"M'sorry!" She whined, though she wasn't. Not yet. Harry would make sure she was though, and it would be a completely filthy experience.

"Oh? You're sorry?" He cooed. "Sorry for showing up to my class wearing an outfit made for the bedroom? Prancing around and showing off the tits that belong to me, flirting like a slut on the street corner trying to make a buck? With what? Those little boys in your class who barely know what a clit is? You wanted them to stick their grimy hands up your skirt instead of waiting for the man who owns it?" He laughed humorlessly, yanking up her skirt and bringing down his hand to her ass. Her Yelp was ignored. Y/N loved when he got like this.


"It was for you! I-I wore it for you!" She attempted, which was the truth. But just slightly altered.

"If you wore it for me, as you should have, you'd have sat in the front with a sweater on to cover the tits that belong to me and then came back here after. Not flashed everyone. You know I hate sharing my toys." He grunted, another harsh smack. The red bloomed across her ass and left a distinct hand print. One of possession.

"Maybe I should have gone with Vanessa. She came in here and dropped right to her knees. Had to reject her cause m'with you, but maybe she would be a better whore for me." He sighed, thinking out loud. He could feel Y/N stiffen under his hand, bringing it down again for another spank.

"No! No- Sir, no. Only me." Y/N was betrayed by the throb between her thighs. Any other girl would have probably walked out. But her body was sick and she felt her pussy drip into her panties.

"Only you? Why? Don't think Vanessa would share what belongs to me. No... I think she would be a good girl, drop down to her knees and take my cock in that silky little throat. Probably wouldn't gag as much as you either. She's got gorgeous tits as well. A bit bigger than yours." He taunted. "Wonder how they'd feel. Probably look so hot with my cum dripping all over them... and she would probably lick up every drop without complaining that she's too tired." He said pointedly. Harry spoiled Y/N sometimes and she got away with being a brat a few too many times.

"No, no, no! It's mine! My cock, my cum, my Sir!" She kicked her legs a bit and was immediately stopped by his hand grabbing her hair and painfully yanking her up, her back arched. A moan of painful pleasure dripped form her throat as she felt the burn, gasping for air as Harry shoved his other fingers into her mouth.

"I don't know why you can't shut the fuck up. You're making it worse. Should I call her in here and make you watch her swallow my cock down? Watch her do what I wanted all day? Because you can't seem to fucking behave." He pushed his fingers deeper in her mouth and made her gag, her eyes watering as he fucked her throat with the digits before pulling them out.

"No. Sir, I'm s-sorry...." She sobbed, whimpering as she felt his fingers yank the wrecked panties to the side and his spit slicked finger pressing up against her asshole. Her eyes widened and she slightly thrashed as she felt a finger being pressed into the barely used hole. It felt so odd but so fucking good, she couldn't barley keep still. It was the mix of humiliation and pleasure that had her soaking through her panties and ready to give in to any demand he had.

"You're going to be. I think.... A good apology is going to be you getting to your knees to soak my cock with that disgusting mouth. Can't keep it shut, so I'll gag you with it. Get it nice and messy... and then, M'gonna take this ass. Fuck it how I want." He whispered. "And you can prove to me that you aren't a waste of space, and I didn't make a mistake in making you my whore. At least for his semester. If Y'want to keep me.... You better get to work."

With that, his belt was undone and she was shoved down on to the floor, eager, wet mouth taking him in to show how much she meant it.

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